View Full Version : Crowdster Plus Strings ???

07-30-2014, 08:17 PM
Just curious if anyone has tried the new Elixir HD Light strings on their Crowdster Plus? What were the results?

07-31-2014, 05:01 AM

Love how everything is 'HD' these days. ;)

They look like a regular 0.012" set, but with each of the 3 lightest strings 0.001" thicker. Kind of like a 'heavy highs' set.

This would probably be good for Taylor guitars that are characterised by a lot of treble and brightness. It would tame some of that brightness of the light strings while improving the balance between the top and bottom strings.

I'm tempted to try something similar on the Crowdster by using the top three strings (e,b,g) from a set 0.012s and the three heavy strings (D,A,E) from a set of 0.011s. Probably wouldn't hurt the low A and E on the Crowdster as I already run with the bass control rolled back quite a bit.

Definitely worth some experimentation.

07-31-2014, 07:56 AM

Love how everything is 'HD' these days. ;)

They look like a regular 0.012" set, but with each of the 3 lightest strings 0.001" thicker. Kind of like a 'heavy highs' set.

This would probably be good for Taylor guitars that are characterised by a lot of treble and brightness. It would tame some of that brightness of the light strings while improving the balance between the top and bottom strings.

I'm tempted to try something similar on the Crowdster by using the top three strings (e,b,g) from a set 0.012s and the three heavy strings (D,A,E) from a set of 0.011s. Probably wouldn't hurt the low A and E on the Crowdster as I already run with the bass control rolled back quite a bit.

Definitely worth some experimentation.

I tried those HD strings (got a free set) on a smaller bodied acoustic that they should have worked well on. Hated them. I thought they actually "balanced" way worse than a standard set of .012s (what I normally use). The fact that they are charging extra for these strings is a bit of a sad joke imho... taking advantage of all the non-guitarist guitar "afficionados" out there who will buy snake oil...

I've been using the .011 - .052 set from Elixir on my Crowdster... and pretty much nothing else... for 8 years. Not switching any time soon. I know most of them come set up for .012s. Mine actually says it was set up for .011s, which I prefer anyway.

07-31-2014, 11:48 PM
I ordered my Crowdy set up for 0.012s, but have also used 0.011s on it (which is what I use on my acoustic guitar), and I like the playability of the 0.011s and the fullness of the 0.012s. There's not much in it really, but I might try splitting a set when I do my next string change, but only change the top 3 strings with the 0.012s. If I don't like it, I can change the other 3 with the rest of the pack. An easy experiment to do and doesn't cost anything extra since I already alternate between 11 and 12 sets, and it's currently strung with 11s.

I've also recently been trying a few other string brands on the Crowdster, but I keep coming back to Elixir for the consistent tone. The Elixirs get ratty/furry well before they start sounding dead.

08-01-2014, 08:12 PM

For the crowdster, imho I would recommend using Elixir 80/20 Nanoweb custom light (11-52) if you're doing mostly "electric" stuff on the guitar or light (12-53) if you're doing mostly acoustic or a good blend of each. The lights sound a little fuller, but the custom lights are a little easier on the fingers. I have been using the custom lights for several years now with really good results. I also think elixir strings work beautifully on the crowdster because of their playability, feel, good intonation, and "modern vibe".

I would not recommend the HD light set for the crowdster. I tried the HD lights on my martin acoustic, but the tension was so high that it noticeably choked the soundboard and (to my ears) hampered the guitar from "singing" like it should. I would not expect them to play, sound or feel better than the custom light or light on the crowdster.

08-02-2014, 01:54 PM
+1 on the 80/20 Custom lights. That's all I use on my Crowdy+

Although that whole furry thing they do after a while kinda creeps me out...