View Full Version : PA Hiss running an amp through it

07-28-2004, 01:11 PM
Guys, I'm running a Fender Princeton Chorus solid state amp...line out into our PA at church. My Music Minister is saying he can hear 'too much hiss' when my channel is pulled up. Outsdie of the obvious (knocking down the high end here and there), is there anything I can use to filter that out? A direct box maybe?

Or does my amp just suck and need to be replaced? (I'm looking for a good excuse:) )

07-28-2004, 01:38 PM
Probably the church dimmers and 60 cycle hum?
Your proximity to the amp? Single coil pickups?
If they say get a DI.......JUST SAY NO>

JUst my two cents..


07-28-2004, 01:53 PM
Your line out is probably unbalanced, high-Z. A DI will balance the signal and convert to low-Z, resulting in a better signal to noise ratio. Also, a line out is going to be a full range signal with a lot more highs than what you hear out of the amps speaker. Try a Hughes & Kettner Red Box. It will do the DI thing, plus give a reasonable speaker simulation so that the PA sound is closer to what your amp sounds like.

BTW, your amp does suck! :p

07-28-2004, 02:02 PM
it would be a lower freq noise, but you could try a ground lift as well.

07-28-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by killerburst

BTW, your amp does suck! :p
:) :) :)
It's the one I leave at church.

The one that I don't know what happens to from Monday to Saturday. :eek: :mad:

(Herniated disks in my lower back.....makes it easier to just 'have one there' at 6:30 AM on Sunday...and I do wanna replace that POS...but it does the job,....I lay pretty low behind the keyboard player).

While we're bashing my amp...any good suggestions on a lightweight, single speaker amp?...all I need is a nice clean sound (Champ-ish w/o the hum) and one that will make it less hissy through the PA. :)

You guys are the best - as always thanks for all of the advice. ;)

07-28-2004, 06:26 PM
do you have to use the line out, or could you mic it?

07-28-2004, 07:40 PM
I could mic it. and I used to, but.......

...my mic sucks probably as bad as my amp - but I CAN CHANGE...I SWEAR! It's not too late in life. :D

...and that's why I asked...and thanks :)

That IS a vaiable option, Tom. Would that be the hot tip if I gpt a good mic?

Thanks much. :)

07-28-2004, 07:59 PM
you could spend a lot and get a really great mic, but a plain old sm57 will sound better than and di out of any amp i have tried. imho... that's the first time i've said that. a mic in front of your existing amp will sound better than where you are now.

07-28-2004, 08:06 PM
Maybe I should have stuck with what I had. I'll try to get up there before the next 'jam' and give it a whirl with my mic.

Then get a better one. Mine's not reallyTHAT bad...but just knowing what's out there......thanks for the tip. Tom. Those 57's are timeless, I guess... :)

07-28-2004, 08:40 PM
As an alternative to the SM57, a very good choice for guitar cabs is the Audio Technica ATM29HE. Should be about the same price as a 57.

08-17-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by tmihm
:) :) :)
While we're bashing my amp...any good suggestions on a lightweight, single speaker amp?...all I need is a nice clean sound (Champ-ish w/o the hum) and one that will make it less hissy through the PA. :)

I had a Mesa Boogie Blue Angel 1x12 that had an excellent clean sound. I sold it and bought a TriAxis, and later regretted it, because the clean/reverb on the Blue Angel was really nice. It might not have been the lightest 1x12 out there, however, but I didn't mind because of the sound.


08-17-2004, 06:02 PM
Hmmm. Cool, Nick - thanks. ;)

08-18-2004, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by tmihm
:) :) :)
While we're bashing my amp...any good suggestions on a lightweight, single speaker amp?...all I need is a nice clean sound (Champ-ish w/o the hum) and one that will make it less hissy through the PA. :)

You guys are the best - as always thanks for all of the advice. ;)


Do you have play Koch amp?

Clean Sounds are "similar" to Fender.
I played a Koch twintne (2 speakers) and the clean sound is very very nice (rich and body sound), overdrive is good too.

There is a 1 speaker amp (TTC Twintone), maybe a good option for you (With PA output).

Good luck
