View Full Version : String Tee Retainers

10-31-2003, 06:29 AM
I strum pretty hard, and I'm getting some exessive string resonance on the G string above the nut. It almost sounds as if I'm getting some heinous feedback for a few seconds after a palm mute.

My Cobra has a single metal string Tee for the E and B strings. I'm thinking of using roller retainers for the E/B and G/D strings. Has anyone else needed to do this? Any reason I shouldn't? Tom, any suggestions?

Will Sperzel tuners fit without reaming out the tuner holes? If not, what other locking tuners can I use? I've always disliked slotted style tuners.

Once I clear up these little issues, and add my Straplocks, I think I'll have the perfect guitar!

10-31-2003, 05:54 PM
we hear about the G string every once in a while. you could certainly add a retainer. i'm a trem guy so i try to avoid them when ever possible. i don't think the roller ones work any better, and i personally think they look ugley, but that's just me. i'm sure others think some of the stuff we do looks ugly. i went to your site, and all i saw were prs's, so i couldn't tell what tuners are on your cobra. if it has the gotoh's which we are using now, there is a locking counterpart. sperzel's will require boring the large diameter hole through the front of the headstock. not a big job, but does require some care as not to chip the finish on the front. if you have the grover's that we used to use, there is no direct replacement locking tuner that i know of. there seems to be a conspiracy amoung tuner manufacturers. no two put the mounting screw hole in the same place. often times they even put it in different locations on two of their own models.

11-02-2003, 06:16 AM
My Cobra is a about a year old, so (don't have it here at work) I'm guessing they're Gotoh's. Can I get the locking tuners directly through your shop, or do I need to get in contact with a local dealer?

This guitar has the fixed bridge (which is what I think helps it sound incredibly HUGE!), so trem tuning/action isn't a concern. I never thought about the rollers looking ugly, now I'll be paying attention. Maybe I can get some phenolic retainers instead, I tend to think that any metal in contact with the string compromises tuning stability.

Thank you for the input, Tom. Your response to everyone here and participation in general (not to mention kick ass guitars) has definitely earned my respect and undoubtably some future business.

BTW, yes, I had a few PRS's... but I'm down to one. I can't post any more pics on that site for free!! I need to find another free hosting site for gear pics so I can add my new #1.

11-02-2003, 04:50 PM
you can get them from us. i'm at home so i don't have any pricing here. let me know if they are really gotoh's, and what color they are. i still like metel retainers, a bit of lube takes care of any binding issues, regardless of material.