View Full Version : Dual stage OD Recommendations

02-19-2014, 03:09 PM
What are your choices currently for dual stage overdrive? I am looking at the Paul Cochran Tim but that is now discontinued...

I currently have the Full Drive II and it is good but looking to see if can continue to improve my tone.

I also run the MI Audio Crunchbox and MI Audio Tube on my board.



02-19-2014, 04:59 PM
I have the Empress Multidrive


Highly versatile, articulate, 2 presets, fuzz/distortion/OD channels that can be run simultaneously (in parallel) or alone, with a great master EQ, hi/low pass filters on each channel, and mid-shift selector. Built like a tank.

Only issue I have encountered is volume differences when changing presets if you go from a single channel to more than one. I address this with the 2 masters volumes available on my amp, but everyone has their own method of dealing with volume change issues I guess.

Sean Ashe
02-19-2014, 09:53 PM
Check out the Wampler Dual Fusion. It's two drives in one, and you can stack them any way youd like. I've not used it personally but I've not heard one instance of it not sounding great.

02-20-2014, 06:37 AM
Barber Electronics (http://barberelectronics.com/products.html) has a few, depending on what you're looking for.

They have the Burn Unit, which they describe as a medium gain California drive and the 1/2 Gainer which is a transparent low gain American over drive.

They also will build a custom dual pedal called the Dual Discrete in which you can request many of their past and present overdrives for the two channels.

I have a dual discrete with a Direct Drive and a Direct Drive Low Gain in it and so far it's the last OD pedal I'll ever need.

The best quality american made pedals at amazing prices IMHO.

02-20-2014, 09:25 AM
+++1 on Barber. I've had the LTD and Direct Drive on my board for over 10 years now (along with a Tone Press). Over a 1000 gigs and lots of dusty road work. These pedals won't quit. If I ever do a re-design, I will get the Dual discrete with the same two! Half Gainer and Burn Unit will eat up real-estate though..just sayin'

02-21-2014, 10:51 AM
I've used a Barber Burn Unit before I recall liking it. I'll continue to check into them.

02-21-2014, 11:01 AM
Tom loaned me his BU a few years ago. I liked it but to me it was very american sounding and I was looking for a brit/marshally thing at the time. I would like to give that another try now. Again, it will take up some real estate on your board. If you try one and like it, see if Barber can do the BU in a Dual Discreet pedal..for a smaller footprint? just my .02

02-21-2014, 12:10 PM
Check out the Jetter Red 2 or the Jet Drive.

Or, a Jetter Helium you could stack with your FullDrive.

With tone and oneness, Mike

02-24-2014, 03:16 PM
Always have a TS something on my board along with a medium-high pedal. Three stages of OD sounds. FD II is great, HBE power screramer is nice, Menatone blue collar is nice, TIM is great, Bogner Red is great, any weehbo is reaaally good, providence stuff is good, Carl Mertin PT mini, rockett stuff I hear is good. there are hundreds of others........ I presently have a Maxon OD9 Pro+ and the bogner red With a barber launch pad boost/buffer. Sounds great

02-26-2014, 10:42 AM
Check out the amp11 from lovepedal or the tim pierce from rockett. Both great pedals. The old green amp 11 only stacks the boost side while the prymaxe versions theyve released since lets u run the 2 channels independently.

02-26-2014, 01:23 PM
Leaning towards the JHS Double-Barrel at the moment. No music stores have any of the pedals I'm interested in looking at which makes things a bit more difficult (of course).
Thanks for the ideas on other options. Will also be researching those too!


02-27-2014, 04:06 PM
Bogner EcstasyRed
Bogner Ecstasy Blue
Lovepedal AMP Eleven
Amptweaker BigRock
Bad Cat Siamese Drive
Visual Sound VS-XO
To name a few.

02-27-2014, 10:09 PM
Leaning towards the JHS Double-Barrel at the moment. No music stores have any of the pedals I'm interested in looking at which makes things a bit more difficult (of course).
Thanks for the ideas on other options. Will also be researching those too!


Not sure what your looking at spending but the double barrel is pretty much a morning glory on left side and jhs' version of an 808 on the right. If u have a ts u can buy a used morning glory and there's your double barrel without spending $300 =P

03-03-2014, 11:00 AM
Danny, I wish that was the case. I like cheap solutions.