View Full Version : m series pickups - help

07-27-2004, 06:07 AM
Tom/roy/bruce/anderson gurus.......

ron thorn is building me a les paul ish thorn with mahogany fuller body and braz rosewood top like the rosewood T u did

I want to put M series in it - they are my favorite all time pickups

but im after a LP deluxe kinda vibe

would it work to have a lower wound m2 in teh neck and m3 in teh bridge or can u do an over wound m1?

ive already got m1 m2 in my suhr mahogany /maple let ed and m1 m1 m3 in my cobra

what do you suggest?

im kinda after a zz top pearly gates kinda vibe but with the focus of the m series that really suits my playing style

can u help....

Stan Malinowski
07-27-2004, 08:11 AM
Since this is a Thorn Guitar and not an Anderson wouldn't you be better off:

a) Asking the builder, Ron Thorn
b) Asking the members on the Thorn Forum?

07-27-2004, 08:15 AM
seeing as how he's asking about anderson pickups, I think he posted this in the right place... (not to sound antagonistic).

Stan Malinowski
07-27-2004, 08:42 AM
Unfortunately I think this puts Tom in a bad position. Tom and the rest of TAG could probably tell you everything you would want to know about how each of their pickups sound with different wood combinations, scale lengths, models, etc. of Anderson Guitars. In this case he is being asked how his pickups would sound in a design by a completly different luthier who uses different designs, woods, etc. I think Ron Thorn is the expert on his guitars and designs and would be better suited to answer the question asked. I wouldn't go to Ron Thorn and ask him questions about Anderson Guitars....

Scott Peterson
07-27-2004, 09:15 AM
Give me a couple of weeks and I can answer your question.

My Thorn will have M1/M1/M3 pickups from Tom. Along with the B5 switching and a great schematic of the wiring all from Tom.

I understand where Stan is coming from, but can tell you that Tom and Ron are friendly and know each other.

No one will know, until my guitar is done, how the M series mini's sound in a Thorn. My Thorn is a shorter Gibson scale and it should be interesting. :D

One thing to keep in mind, Tom does sell his pickups aftermarket so you can expect questions like this. It isn't so bad; and the world is more than Tom's guitars, even in Tom's world.

Unless Tom has tried his M series pickups in other guitars, he won't really have an answer here though in Stan's defense.

Let's not get upset over nothing to get upset about.

07-27-2004, 09:16 AM

i think u got the wrong end of the stick old chap -

im asking tom roy or 'anderson gurus' ie you guys on teh forum whether

a. an m2 will work in the neck position

b.will it be matched to an M3 in the bridge in terms of output and sound....

b. would it be better to order an overwound M1 for the neck position given that im after a zz top / lp deluxe type tone which the M2 / M3 does amazingly to my ears but with more focus

so its incidental that its going in a thorn - its anderson pickups im asking about having already fitted them to all my other gtrs outside of my actual andersons anyway

hope that clears it up - mean no disrespect to anyone but I figure if anyone knows about anderson pickups - its tom , roy etc....


07-27-2004, 09:19 AM

ive already bought 2 sets of M series as retro fits from jack at Magdon....


Stan Malinowski
07-27-2004, 09:24 AM
No one will know, until my guitar is done, how the M series mini's sound in a Thorn. My Thorn is a shorter Gibson scale and it should be interesting.

Exactly the point I am trying to make.

07-27-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
Unfortunately I think this puts Tom in a bad position. Tom and the rest of TAG could probably tell you everything you would want to know about how each of their pickups sound with different wood combinations, scale lengths, models, etc. of Anderson Guitars. In this case he is being asked how his pickups would sound in a design by a completly different luthier who uses different designs, woods, etc. I think Ron Thorn is the expert on his guitars and designs and would be better suited to answer the question asked. I wouldn't go to Ron Thorn and ask him questions about Anderson Guitars....

so because seymour duncan (for example) doesn't make guitars, he wouldn't be qualified to tell a customer what guitars his pickups would sound good in?

Stan Malinowski
07-27-2004, 09:30 AM
so because seymour duncan (for example) doesn't make guitars, he wouldn't be qualified to tell a customer what guitars his pickups would sound good in?

If it was a "standard, well explored" design like a Les Paul or Strat made from woods normally used in these models then SD and any other quality pickup manufacturer would be a good source of input. In this case we are talking a custom guitar with some unique wood combinations, the chances for deviation from expected tone would be higher.

07-27-2004, 09:34 AM

i think we re missing the point here -

I know what teh M series sound like - ive got several sets ...

i had thought that teh M2 was a bridge pickup hence im asking would it work in the neck or does it need a special wind

I would certainly expect tom as a maker to have views of the effect of differing woods and shapes on his pickups anyway - even if it was "dont do it!"


07-27-2004, 09:37 AM
ah, internet message boards... the spice of life. it's especially hard to let someone else have the last word, isn't it.

07-27-2004, 09:38 AM
last word?



Stan Malinowski
07-27-2004, 09:56 AM
so because seymour duncan (for example) doesn't make guitars, he wouldn't be qualified to tell a customer what guitars his pickups would sound good in?


Since you responded with a question, I thought you wanted an answer. I did not intend my answer to your question to be interpreted by you as anything other than informative.

07-27-2004, 10:06 AM
last word.

07-27-2004, 10:07 AM



07-27-2004, 12:04 PM
doesn't sound like anyone really wants to know so i'll pass.

07-27-2004, 12:24 PM
hey tom

i really do want to know - the thread got sort of hijacked -so pls advise - otherwise i shall have to call u

can i use an M2 in the neck - will it work or is it too hot? will it balance with an M3 or are they too similar - ive only heard m1 / m3 or m1/m2 combinations not m2/m3 together


07-27-2004, 12:32 PM
sorry for contributing to the hijack.

07-27-2004, 01:43 PM
If you are going for the LP "Deluxe" vibe I would suggest M1 for neck and M2 for bridge. The M3 would be leaving the LP Deluxe territory due to it's higher output and thickness in tone/attack.

Typically, and M1 in the neck is a perfect "match" for M2 in the bridge...same goes for a M2/neck with a M3/bridge combo. If you wanted to try a M1/neck and M3/bridge combo it would not sound like a well-balanced set. That's why there were 3 types of M's made.

07-27-2004, 03:33 PM
the m2 is a wider spacing on the pole pieces, which means that the whole pickup is longer. the spacing would be a bit wide for a neck position pickup, actually it;s the same a s a stock strat, so it would be as far off as stock strats are.

07-28-2004, 01:49 AM

thanx for teh info ( now the thread has settled down)

is it posibble to wind an M1 to M2 specs eg use M1 size casing and correct spacing?

as ive already got M1/M2 combo it makes sense to go for M2 neck and M3 bridge

Im so glad u made the m series - the m1 does the fat strat so well and the m2 honks! They also have really good detail on each string and of course they look way cool



07-28-2004, 12:31 PM
we're trying to put an m2 on an m1 bobbin today. we will see if we can make it fit.

07-28-2004, 01:38 PM
thanx tom

if u can i ll order one and matching bridge m3


07-29-2004, 12:26 PM
A happy ending after all!

08-03-2004, 03:00 PM
hey tom

how did you get on with teh M2?

Ron Thorn is going to get in touch with you at some point about them

if thats ok
