View Full Version : Rosewood neck Cobra

12-08-2013, 02:48 AM
There is a rosewood neck Cobra on eBay (with standard rosewood fretboard & maple on mahogany body). How would that guitar's tone compare to a mahogany neck Cobra? About the same?

12-08-2013, 12:54 PM
Not sure this will help too much because it's been a while, but about 10 years ago, I sent my mahogany neck cobra S to TAG for a all rosewood neck replacement. To my ears and it's been a long time since I played it (I sold the guitar about 2 years later), the rosewood neck added brightness and a snappier, more focused tone. I wish I could have truly A/B'ed the guitar because everything was the same except for the neck, but I had to give up the mahogany neck, so it's difficult to say whether my ears were deceiving me or not. One big thing I noticed, and it's nothing to do with tone, but the rosewood neck is heavier than mahogany, so the balance of the guitar changed a bit. Also, the feel of a rosewood neck is different too. Overall, I was very happy with the neck change and to this day, I really regret selling that guitar (probably it's my biggest regret along with my other cobra s with m pickups) because it was a great guitar for rock and metal stuff.

12-08-2013, 05:51 PM
I feel like the top end gets stronger and a bit harder and the lows deeper and more defined. The whole guitar gets more aggressive and less squishy(that's a technical guitar term).

12-10-2013, 04:34 PM
Definitely less 'sproing' than mahogany. I love the sound of my Hollow Cobra S, which has that defined low/mid emphasis and airy highs as tom described. It has less upper mids than my other hollow guitars, which I attribute to the all RW neck.

T shaped guitars are already prone to neck dive IME. But, as pluto said, expect serious neck dive with the heavy RW neck on the T shaped Cobra. You could always try a 'grippier' strap if this will be a problem for you.