View Full Version : Classic T options.

07-29-2013, 08:27 AM
Okay, to remind you of what I'm talking about... it's this guitar right here.


Here's the deal. I love this guitar... I'm keepin' it (pretty sure)...

But... As much as I LOVE the simple 3-way switching of a tele better than a strat... I still love a middle pickup (mostly for 2 - 4)

So, I have a wacky idea...

I'm thinking, put a single coil in the middle, and have a switch or push pull that adds middle to all settings. Meaning, in one position, you have traditional tele switching, in the other, you have "positions 2 and 4" from a strat and a limited usefulness "all 3" (never used that sound a lot).

What would be even better is if you could switch it so that you can do tele switching one way and "2-3-4" strat switching the other.

Thoughts? What would YOU do?

I was also thinkin' of sticking 3 M's in there... that'd be cool...

07-29-2013, 09:26 AM
MY $.02:

I would not go with the M's. I have them, love them, but it won't really sound like a T after that. Now if that is what you are going for than all for it. But if you want a "traditional" Tele sound, then M's will spoil that.

As far as the "Nashville" tele mod, that is a great idea. Maybe even go with a mint pickguard and a coffee dipped VA5 or VA7 in the middle. Still a relatively traditional T sound and look. The idea of a mini switch to engage is great. So you are in the neck, hit the mini and you have neck/mid, etc. I think right now the push pull on the tone is likely for VA Boost.

That's just me. My opinion is kind of out there and may not be relevant to you. I constantly cycle through Anderson's T and S body guitars that have some version of hum cancelling. But my S Classic and T Classic with VA's and TV's remain, while others pass through.

But I am of the school that you need a Strat, Tele, LP, and 335. Those are basic sounds. One from each food group so to say. You can cover everything with that. M's and HB equipped S and T guitars are fine after you have the basics.

I really do think the guitar will sound awesome with M's. But just not like a T. I think if you want that M sound you should buy a guitar with M's. And Nashville T's are always cool.

07-29-2013, 12:20 PM
the only down side to the add switch is if you are on the neck with added middle and you want to go solo on the bridge, it's two switches to hit. i always try to make things a one motion switch over, but it's not always possible. a note, when you add a middle Va style pickup you will be into string sucking territory. i know it's part of "the sound" but it changes the way the T acts like a T.

07-29-2013, 12:33 PM
i know it's part of "the sound" but it changes the way the T acts like a T.

This is what I'm most nervous about... and why I might just leave it alone.

As much as I'd like the 2 and 4 positions, it's been a long time since I've had the simplicity of a three-way switch... it's wonderful.

Makes me want to put a 3-way in the Atom some days... but... no...

Also, the thing that makes me nervous about modding this guitar is that I know that once the dust settles (if it ever does), I'll still be in love with the Crowdster the most, and it seems that, with 3 guitars coming in and going out while I've had the Atom... the Atom is IT... it's the "me" guitar, the Peter Hamm model, the holy grail, etc... So... why not just sell the other guitar and be a one-guitar guy? I would... but that tele twang... my my... I need to go join a country band...

07-29-2013, 01:32 PM
i have a couple that are the main stays. one is more limited use with the bigsby but for certain days it's my fav. it is the oldest guitar that has stayed with me. but i also have a short t that just comes out occasionally and is so fun. so i think it's great to be a one guitar guy, but a second or third can liven up a stagnant playing style.

07-29-2013, 01:36 PM
...but a second or third can liven up a stagnant playing style.

True dat fo sho.

07-29-2013, 10:39 PM
i have a couple that are the main stays. one is more limited use with the bigsby but for certain days it's my fav. it is the oldest guitar that has stayed with me. but i also have a short t that just comes out occasionally and is so fun. so i think it's great to be a one guitar guy, but a second or third can liven up a stagnant playing style.

It's like a visit from an old friend!

07-29-2013, 11:44 PM
I'll still be in love with the Crowdster the most...

Just stick a middle in the Crowdy then, can anyone say "Crowdster Plus 3"? :D

07-30-2013, 06:49 AM
Just stick a middle in the Crowdy then, can anyone say "Crowdster Plus 3"? :D

heavens no!

07-30-2013, 08:27 PM
heavens no!
haha! like it needs another knob or switch...

08-01-2013, 10:41 AM
I'm with Danno on this. I think if you can keep the basic food groups (strat, tele, LP, semi-hollow) then you are good to go. I think it focuses the player and respects the little things. :)

I'm always leery of adding a middle pup to a tele because it un-T's a T-style guitar. Then it becomes a guitar that lacks definitive personality. You say you need to join a country band because your T has that sound. In my opinion, THAT's the goal. To have a guitar with so much personality that it changes the way the player addresses it and it changes the way he or she makes musical decisions.

Either way, that's a beautiful little butterscotch you got there, my friend. :)

08-01-2013, 10:52 AM
I'm with Danno on this. I think if you can keep the basic food groups (strat, tele, LP, semi-hollow) then you are good to go. I think it focuses the player and respects the little things. :)

I'm always leery of adding a middle pup to a tele because it un-T's a T-style guitar. Then it becomes a guitar that lacks definitive personality. You say you need to join a country band because your T has that sound. In my opinion, THAT's the goal. To have a guitar with so much personality that it changes the way the player addresses it and it changes the way he or she makes musical decisions.

Either way, that's a beautiful little butterscotch you got there, my friend. :)

Well... the Suhr tele I had with the middle pickup was SUPER sweet, and definitely got into some tele territory.

But something just improves, for me, when we get simple with just 3 pickup positions, and I have found that if I have any two of those guitars I'm set to go. I don't know if I'll ever have more than two electrics again actually.

On another note, I'm thinkin' of trying .011s on that tele. I'll let you know if I like that, as I have an extra set of D'addarios laying around.

08-03-2013, 02:57 PM
when you add a middle Va style pickup you will be into string sucking territory. i know it's part of "the sound" but it changes the way the T acts like a T.
Explain pls? I am new to the t world lol

08-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Explain pls? I am new to the t world lol
The Anderson VA series pickups are made in the traditional single coil style with magnetic slugs. The field is quite intense and with a middle and neck pulling hard on the strings magnetically, you get a characteristic tone that is normally heard in strats and not teles.

This happens even when the pickup is not being used for output.

08-03-2013, 05:24 PM
The Anderson VA series pickups are made in the traditional single coil style with magnetic slugs. The field is quite intense and with a middle and neck pulling hard on the strings magnetically, you get a characteristic tone that is normally heard in strats and not teles.

This happens even when the pickup is not being used for output.
Gotcha. Is this the care if for example a tf is used?

08-04-2013, 05:27 AM
Gotcha. Is this the care if for example a tf is used?
The SF and TF series use steel slugs and a magnet underneath, so the field above the slugs isn't as intense and doesn't affect the strings anywhere near as much.

09-16-2013, 02:28 PM

...after thinking about this for weeks and weeks... I think... that what I really want...

...is to keep the simple 3-way switching, but I think I want Ms.

It'll be closer to the sound I get from the Crowdster, pickup-wise, and I think that would be just up my alley. This is just not "beefy" enough.

I know I'll lose the 'tele twang'. I'm okay with that.

So... some questions.

Can I simply put an M1 and M3(tele model) in this guitar (and a new pickguard, tortoise I think) and keep all the switching and electronics? Or do I need new potentiometers? If the latter, I'm thinking of getting new pickups, pickguard, and probably even control plate, so I can swap the whole bunch of electronics out in one fell swoop, and let the next guy (if there ever is a next guy... I do like this guitar) decide if he wants to ever put it back.


09-16-2013, 04:26 PM
i personally like the tm2 more. it's not so close to hb territory, and blends better with the m1.
pots stay, you'll just have to remove the 330k vv resistor.

all you need is pg and the two pickups.

side note, i have one with tm2 and a single in the neck and it works pretty great too. the 3 flavors on the guitar are spread out just a bit more that way.

09-16-2013, 04:59 PM
i...side note, i have one with tm2 and a single in the neck and it works pretty great too. the 3 flavors on the guitar are spread out just a bit more that way.

Wow... that would be the easiest entry point, wouldn't it...

replace the bridge pickup with a tm2 and mix that with the existing single coil, then replace the rhythm pickup down the road if I decide to go that way.

I still have to cut that 330K out? Or do I "move" it? how does that work?

And, it seems nobody stocks these all the time, do I order through a dealer, or can I call you guys? I don't want to stiff anybody, and if I need to go through a dealer, I should use Jack.

09-16-2013, 06:28 PM
the 330k will have to get moved so that it is on only when the single is on. it can go from the hot from the neck pickup on the 3 way to ground.

jack can get the pickup if he doesn't have one.

09-16-2013, 07:16 PM
the 330k will have to get moved so that it is on only when the single is on. it can go from the hot from the neck pickup on the 3 way to ground.

jack can get the pickup if he doesn't have one.

I think I understand that.

I'm contacting him now.

So... if I decide to change out the rhythm pickup later (I might not), would I just then remove the 330K at that point?

Does anybody ever order a config like this? I've never seen one, but it's intriguing to me. the tele rhythm pickup really floats my boat, I just mostly want more girth from the in between and especially the bridge position... this might really do it.

09-16-2013, 08:08 PM
yes, just remove the resister for 2 m's.

our own guitarzan has/had a short htc with TF1 and TM2. have not seen it in his arsenal lately but i know he used it for quite a while for him:D

09-16-2013, 08:17 PM
yes, just remove the resister for 2 m's.

our own guitarzan has/had a short htc with TF1 and TM2. have not seen it in his arsenal lately but i know he used it for quite a while for him:D

That's a thought...! Guitarzan? Chime in. Tell us about it!

09-17-2013, 01:59 PM
Pretty sure that guitar is the one he used for his Strong record. If so, its pretty sweet.

09-17-2013, 03:10 PM
TM2 ordered! Can't wait.

10-05-2013, 06:21 AM
Got the TM2, installed it.

it was a piece of cake, thanks to Roy helping me identify the 330k that had to move.

He had nothing but good things to say about you, Tom... except... something about how much you remind him of Teddy Roosevelt...? or some such... can't remember...

10-05-2013, 07:00 AM
I made some really careful audio tests with both pickups (with the same strings and amp settings).

I'll post that in the Cobra Pit if anybody is interested.

As well as my personal conclusions...