View Full Version : Satin finish coating

07-21-2013, 09:54 PM
Anyone here own any satin finished guitar?
I heard and read around that satin finish guitar tends to get chip and ding easily as it lacks of the final coating that gloss finish guitar has.

I have never owned any satin finish guitar so i would really like to hear something about this :D

Thanks in advance! ^^

07-22-2013, 12:03 PM
I have one but I haven't had it very long so it hasn't had a chance to get dinged or dented.

I always thought the paint process was the same the difference was the amount of buffing on the clear coat.

07-22-2013, 12:11 PM
generally speaking the satin top coat is thinner than what you need for gloss since you don't have to sand it. it is also usually a urethane coat which is softer than polyester, making it dent easier, but maybe chip less. some manufacturers shoot just one coat of flat on top of their basecoat so you could wear through it much more quickly that a gloss finish. also, a satin finish will gloss up with wear ending up somewhere between satin and gloss before wearing all the way into the basecoat.

07-23-2013, 10:06 PM
Thanks Tom and Jack!

Was just considering some guitar with satin finish, am not sure should i do it especially when it will wear up to be somehow glossy again haha, Thanks again for the information i really appreciate it :D