View Full Version : PRS Question

07-21-2004, 12:53 AM
OK, i realize this is probably very obvious to those PRS (and former) owners. But what's going on w/ the massive liquidation of PRS guitars? Someone named DrPCR is dumping his entire PRS collection on the gear page's "guitar emporium". Our own Scott P has diminished his arsenal of PRS axes down to 2 (I believe). During 1999/2000 while I owned a Custom 24 (WT, birds, 10top), I was all over the PRS forum bugging everyone (including Scott) to answer all sorts of newbie questions. (Hey, I've always been a TAG guy!).

Anyway, what's the cause behind the apparent liquidation of all things PRS? I thought that those 80's made axes were the "bomb"? :confused: Lawsuits?

07-21-2004, 03:44 AM
Good question Mike. Could it be to fund a Driskill or Thorn?

07-21-2004, 08:08 AM
I hadn't really noticed, but I'm guessing they (the sellers) are heading toward something slightly higher-end custom built stuff.

Don't know if it's been covered here...but Gibson is suing PRS over the design of the singlecut and PRS has halted all production on those models. I'm thinking THEY might be the keepers.

Scott Peterson
07-21-2004, 08:17 AM
I am down to two PRS guitars only because I haven't yet sold my 95 Custom 22 though two guys have a line on it. :D

I will be down to one. An exceptional one at that, but one is enough.

It isn't s simple answer, in my case it is a combination of a bad economical year with my business, changing needs and tastes in guitars, and just a unstoppable urge to downsize to a more reasonable gear level in my life. Less is more for me. And it feels good.

At one point I was a bit of a PRS obsessed guy with over a dozen PRS guitars in house; and very much on the pro-PRS bandwagon. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But for the rock stuff I do, I prefer my Hamer USA guitars overall for about the last 2 years over the PRS USA guitars. Just taste.

For my country gig (I play acoustic in this band) the electrics are not needed, but the Anderson and Melancon are better suited than the PRS.

For my funk gig, the Anderson and Melancon are the ones.

I have one PRS that is such an exceptional guitar that it truly -for me- made the rest of my PRS guitars redundant. It just does/has/is everything I could ask of a PRS guitar.

I also was personally privy to the entire action and drama of the original PRS Forum shutting down and suffice to say, it really added some bitters to my milk about PRS the company. I don't like to rehash it, but in short I was *very* unhappy with how/why/ it all came down and cannot be a proponent of a company like that anymore. Love my guitar, but not the company making them.

And there you are.

I can't speak for or about anyone else's choices; but in my case it was a shifting of needs/wants/likes and the fact that I have some exceptional guitars from Tom Anderson, Gerard Melancon, Hamer USA and others. I have a custom ordered Thorn arriving here within weeks too. I sell gear to buy gear, don't use credit to buy gear and don't like taking money from the family fund. Things change. That's all.

07-21-2004, 10:25 AM
The DrPCR thread on TGP is a sarcastic post, apparently in response to another poster's critisism of PRS guitars in one of those fairly useless "this kind of guitar is better than all other kinds of guitars, and PRS guitars are all the same" thread. I'm always amazed that people (people who play guitar, in prticular) cannot grasp the concept of "subjective."

At any rate, I don't think there's a mass liquidation of PRS guitars going on.

07-21-2004, 10:29 AM
you also have to keep in mind that they make a lot of guitars, so more should show up used. we make 16-18 a week, they make 50 or so a day.

07-21-2004, 11:18 AM
Scott, thanks. And I didn't mean to pry into any personal issues. The PRS Forum seemed to encourage rather than inhibit sales, at least from an outsider's perspective. I really thought you and the originator (Brian Scherzo) had created a unique site. But it's great to have you here!

CM - thanks. Again, not looped into the PRS information network, I was just seeing all of this "talk" regarding PRS and wondering what was going on. BTW, nice SAS. I noticed some Carvins. For the record, I think that the Carvin TL60 seems like a really good deal for the $ (almost like a DT-T, w/o the bolt-on).

tom - low #'s = high QC and great customer service, that's why we're all gettin' in line for that "end of summer" announcement!;) :cool: