View Full Version : Nut Material and Zero Frets

06-17-2013, 03:13 PM
Why aren't nuts made out of the same material as the frets on a guitar or why don't more guitars have zero frets?

Wouldn't that make the open string and the fretted string sound the same?

Isn't that a good thing?

Doesn't a zero fret eliminate nut problems?

I've wondered about this for a long time.

06-17-2013, 03:42 PM
it all sounds like a good idea, but i don't think it works well in the real world.
because the string is laying on the zero fret all the time, they tend to get groves worn in them long before the frets are worn. so either they get too low, or the string tinks in and out of the groove when you bend down low. there still needs to be a nut to contain the string spacing, and if that is not cut right it will let the string wander around which also would contribute to wear on the zero fret. so for me the zero fret makes for more maintenance.

back in the 70's and early 80's brass nuts were all the rage, and part of the logic was that it would sound more like the fretted string. bruce who does a lot of our mods and repairs is doing a lot of brass nut installs again and really likes them. i sort of have bad memories of all the brass stuff from that era so i'm not ready to jump on that again just yet.

i think open strings may just have an inherently different sound because they don't have your finger muting what's going on behind the fret you're fretting. the string behind has a bit more room to vibrate.

my .03.

06-17-2013, 08:24 PM
I put a brass nut on a Strat once. Did not like it. Sounded too bright for open strings.

I recall they used to put zero frets on some cheap imports in the 70's. (I'M SO FRIGGIN OLD!)

my. $03

06-18-2013, 01:26 AM

In contrast, just yesterday I finished a fret-less build for a client. Having no frets is weird because the string is buzzing somewhere underneath the pad of your fingertips and it sounds like its fretting-out! Then, open notes sounded so solid!

If anyone is looking to try a brass nut in their guitar hit me up. As Tom mentioned, I've been doing lots of them per customer requests and I noticed that I really enjoy how they sound. Open notes are more 'solid' sounding, similar to a fretted note. For some of my clients that use heavy gauge strings that tour and change strings daily, brass is a must for longevity.

My .03

06-18-2013, 06:43 AM
because the string is laying on the zero fret all the time, they tend to get groves worn in them long before the frets are worn.

my .03.

Don't stainless steel frets eliminate or reduce this problem?

06-18-2013, 06:45 AM
I put a brass nut on a Strat once. Did not like it. Sounded too bright for open strings.

I recall they used to put zero frets on some cheap imports in the 70's. (I'M SO FRIGGIN OLD!)

my. $03

I remember guitars with zero frets as well but I don't think it was only cheap ones. I had one at one time but it was so long ago I can't remember if it sounded better or not.

06-18-2013, 06:49 AM

In contrast, just yesterday I finished a fret-less build for a client. Having no frets is weird because the string is buzzing somewhere underneath the pad of your fingertips and it sounds like its fretting-out! Then, open notes sounded so solid!

If anyone is looking to try a brass nut in their guitar hit me up. As Tom mentioned, I've been doing lots of them per customer requests and I noticed that I really enjoy how they sound. Open notes are more 'solid' sounding, similar to a fretted note. For some of my clients that use heavy gauge strings that tour and change strings daily, brass is a must for longevity.

My .03

I recently bought a Gibson SG 60's Tribute (the P90 version) and the nut on it is terrible all the strings buzz open but not fretted. You're a bit too far for me to get to install a brass nut but its something I've been thinking about since I got the guitar.