View Full Version : Any Anderson Owners in the Portland, Oregon area

04-05-2013, 10:54 AM

I am sorry for casting a large net, but I am looking to see if there are any Anderson Owners in the Portland, Oregon area.

I am putting in an order for an Anderson Classic and I am having a hard time deciding on the which Neck Carve to go with. I have not played an Anderson in close to 5 years. (Yes shame on me :) )

I was wondering if someone local to me may be willing to let me check out their Anderson Neck Carves.

Thanks and I do apologize if this is the wrong forum to place this post in. I will gladly delete the post if need be.


04-06-2013, 07:32 PM

I just wanted it give a big shout out Thank You to fellow forum member Loonerman for letting check out his Anderson guitars. It really helped me decide on what neck carve to go with.


04-06-2013, 08:50 PM
It was my pleasure. You're gonna get a great guitar!