View Full Version : Want black pearliod pick guard for my Andy...

Fast Eddie
12-11-2012, 11:48 AM

I am curious if anyone has requested this before but here it goes! I am looking to swap out my matte black pick guard on my Butterscotch Classic T to either black pearliod or tortiose. Love the guitar just want to dress it up a bit. I emailed TA and am waiting for a reply but figured I would try this route as well. If TAG cannot make this, is there a company that could???

12-11-2012, 12:32 PM
blak pearl is not a color we stock sheets of. there are several versions of it that go from light charcoal to very black and people don't seem to have a vote for which one they like best.
tortoise is an option(and i think would look way better on that color guitar).
our pg's are different than a fender so they are not easily interchangeable.

kevin h
12-13-2012, 07:59 AM
i'd take tom's advise and go with a tortoise pg. i use to own a butterscotch finish w/tortoise guard guitar and it looked great.

12-13-2012, 03:16 PM
These guys used to make custom pick guards, you could trace yours or send it to them and they would make you one. Don't know if they still offer it but you could contact them.
