View Full Version : Serious Problem: Need your help.

11-27-2012, 01:18 PM
The past two and a half months are the only time I've ever owned two electric TAs at the same time. Then I got this Hollow Atom CT from Tom (on the right).


here's the problem.

I don't anticipate ever playing the Cobra again...

...what to do...

Can a man live with only one electric guitar? Seriously? Thinking of selling and getting a cool amp or something. Or replacing my 5-year old ailing and aging MacBook.

11-27-2012, 01:34 PM
i generally only play one guitar at a time but then switch it up every few months just for inspiration. so it's nice to have another available for that. but if other things would be more useful...sold.

11-27-2012, 02:55 PM
i generally only play one guitar at a time but then switch it up every few months just for inspiration. so it's nice to have another available for that. but if other things would be more useful...sold.

yah, that's what I'm thinkin'...

I won't rush, though...

11-27-2012, 03:16 PM
I would sell to get something totally different like an s shape or full decal t with different wood combination. I love varity. Almost obsessed with having multiple flavors.

11-27-2012, 04:31 PM
I would sell to get something totally different like an s shape or full decal t with different wood combination. I love varity. Almost obsessed with having multiple flavors.

Yeah, I see that, I just don't think I need more than one electric guitar anymore...

Thinkin' I don't need more than this...


11-27-2012, 07:07 PM
I am disappointed and impressed at the same. How did you get to this point? I have never meet anyone like you. Let's not tell anyone off the forum about you. I have told my wife men like you don't exist!

11-27-2012, 07:10 PM
Forgot to ask. Can you compare the atom to the cobra?

11-27-2012, 07:31 PM
Forgot to ask. Can you compare the atom to the cobra?

BOth guitars have the same wiring. The Cobra has H2+/H1-, the Atom has HC1-A/HC1+A. Both are wired the same. Split on 2 and 4 and pull the tone knob to split the bridge. Both have totally useable tones in all six positions, the only guitars I've ever owned with that. Both have PowerBridges.

Cobra, slightly brighter, a little more aggressive on the bridge pickup. A souped up tele, for sure. Ridiculously light and comfy.

Atom, slightly "rounder", almost LP-ish at times, and the single coil modes are somehow less "tele-ish"... if that makes any sense. For some reason, though, it has a LOT more high end available than any LP I've ever played, while not sacrificing the mids.

Atom has way more variety for what I play, and I find the volume and tone controls to make more difference (for me) than any guitar I've owned, and it's more comfy to play (again, for me). Tom has "tweaked" the corners of the back in just the perfect way, imho, without introducing a belly cut. I think I just like more "meat" on my guitar.

It's all very personal, though, as they both sound amazing and play amazing. I am finding I prefer the 60s Vibe neck to the Happy Medium on the Cobra, but both are better than any other electric I've owned in a long time (one that comes close or equals is a Godin Flat Five X I used to have that was the easiest playing guitar I ever owned. Sold it to a friend. I'd miss it if I didn't have these.)

I think I need to wait at least 6 months to a year to let the Cobra go, though, as I am VERY attached to it. It was a gift from a friend who has since died. That said... if I don't play it much or at all for the next six months or year... who knows...

X - Road 28
11-27-2012, 08:26 PM
I don't anticipate ever playing the Cobra again...

I think you have your answer right there, sell the cobra and get that MacBook. No sense keeping what you don't use.

On a side note, how do you like the Hollow CT, I had a regular CT which I sold and am currently playing and loving my Bulldog. Curious if you can compare the Hollow vs Regular CT sound wise.

11-27-2012, 10:11 PM
I'm the wrong guy to answer this question...:cool:

11-28-2012, 06:00 AM
...Curious if you can compare the Hollow vs Regular CT sound wise.

I can't. I've only played the hollow one. That said, it has less of the "hollow" effect than the Hollow Cobra does, probably because of the thickness of the top. I suspect some of the high-end "zhing" is coming from the hollowness. I couldn't say for sure. It's more open and airy than a LP-style guitar, for sure.

Plus, I don't think there are many Hollow Atom CTs anyway, so few have been able to make the comparison.

I do know I love it...

11-28-2012, 09:22 AM
Pietro, up until this past month I've only owned 2 guitars. I was blessed at work with a ton of ot, my wedding anniversary and birth of my son so the wife ok'd the splurge. Was it a need def not, purely a want. We're I in need of let's say paying a bill, in need of a new laptop like yourself or something else I wouldn't have bought it. Especially with the holidays coming around. It was right
Timing for me and I can just play one at a time haha. You know what's right for your situation. Take a pause and ask yourself do you need your cobra? Will you miss it? How important are these other things in comparison to the cobra. Just be honest with yourself.... If you do sell be sure they'll be others if you want one again. If you decide to keep her you'll be blessed to have 3 amazing guitars.

To sum it all up. Your the player who most importantly knows your situation both guitar and non guitar wise best. Good luck with your decision haha

Be blessed

12-01-2012, 02:59 AM
I don't anticipate ever playing the Cobra again...

...what to do...

Perhaps it's too soon to consider selling. Besides, if you sell it now, you have to deal with folks who might have to consider their Christmas budget. If you wait a few months, you might consider keeping it afterall, or at least be able to sell it when folks have expendable money (if there's such a thing?) when tax refunds start rolling around. ;)

12-01-2012, 07:46 AM
Perhaps it's too soon to consider selling. Besides, if you sell it now, you have to deal with folks who might have to consider their Christmas budget. If you wait a few months, you might consider keeping it afterall, or at least be able to sell it when folks have expendable money (if there's such a thing?) when tax refunds start rolling around. ;)

Thanks, that's a thought. Besides, I CAN NOT sell that fast. I'd have to not use it seriously for at least 6 months to a year. But if I do, I'm seriously considering selling it and NOT getting another guitar.

I don't play in situations where I need a backup so much these days.

That said, I probably love it too much to part with it.

We'll see in a few months.