View Full Version : Pup Question H2/H3

10-04-2012, 10:51 AM
Can anyone help me out? I am trying to dinf out how these two compare I know the following

H3= Dark, Fat, Hot
H2= Medium Output

I own an H2+ and it is slightly bright for my liking and maybe a bit thin. Is that H2 kind of bright and a bit thin Ala H2+ or is it maybe a medium output version of the H3 Dark and fat?

10-04-2012, 01:20 PM
The H2+ is half way between the H2 and the H3. So the H2 is slightly brighter (and thinner) than the H2+, which is brighter (and thinner) than the H3.

Those three pickups are basically the same magnetic structure with the number of turns of wire increasing in relation to the designation. (ie. H1- with the least number of windings, to H1, H2, H2+, H3, and finally H3+ with the highest).

As the number of windings around the core goes up, the pickup gains more output, but also has more overall interwinding capacitance, inductance and resistance. When taken together, increasing these will roll off more of the higher frequencies. That rolloff is what causes higher output/winding pickups to sound hotter/fatter/darker. So, all other things being equal, the more turns of wire you put around the core, the darker/warmer the pickup sounds.

If you want your H2+ to be darker/fatter, you can always roll back the tone control, or try a higher capacitance cable between your guitar and amp. Otherwise, it sounds like you might prefer the H3.

10-04-2012, 02:48 PM

You Screen name should be Senor Pickup1 You know I have an HO2 in another guitar and all though it is not high output I find it not as bright sounding as the h2+. Is it the pronounced mids that due that? I am thinking I need an H3 in one guitar and an HF3 in the other so their outputs are similar. I have read a few times that something like an HF3 might be way to middy in a basswood backed maple topped guitar.

I think I just like to many different things and just need more TAGs because I also love how the HO2 does not get overly saturated yet sings

10-04-2012, 05:38 PM
I know what you mean about needing more TAGs to get a full complement of tones for all the pickup types!

The HO series definitely have a more pronounced midrange and less highs than the H series. The HO1+ sounds like a nice take on the typical PAF sound, and the HO2 has that same flavour with a bit more beef to it.

HFs are great too with that PAF character, but a little bit more 'zhinginess' and swirl in the upper register than the HO series.

Regarding the HF3 having too much mids in basswood, this is not true. Although I haven't used an HF3 in my maple basswood Droptop, I've used an HN3 (a super middy pickup) in there and it sounded fantastic for leads. I've also had an HF2 in there and it sang with the best of them - best full cleans. It came with an H3 which is probably my favourite for heavy rock rhythm and split cleans. Currently I'm running an HW2 (which is H construction with more mids akin to but not exactly like an HO2) in that guitar - nice all rounder pickup for medium rock. So basswood is definitely good to go with middy pickups. In fact basswood is probably the best 'all round' wood for changing out pickups.

10-05-2012, 05:32 AM
I found a nice "step down" in brightness in the HC1+ in my CT Atom. I've also heard an HC2 in a friends T Classic (albeit with mahogany body).

I'm becoming a big fan of the HCs.

10-05-2012, 06:28 AM
I should have probably mentioned my other guitar is an HDC with alder back. It is 2 SA's in it and the HO2. My Mongrel has two SC1'a and the H2+. I think I just need to be an H3 and an HF3 out them in the guitars then in months swap them and see which should live where :D