View Full Version : P/u ? looking for the sweetest mids no honk

09-27-2012, 08:18 AM
I'm using a H2+ in the bridge of my hollow cobra. I had a HO1+ in the bridge before but not enough bottom end. The H2+ sounds great untill I play it through my clean channel and then I hear that nasly kind of midrange thing (hard to explain) I cut my guitar volume (just slightly) and it goes away. I do have another guitar with seth lover paf hum's and I don't get that bad mid sound. I want to stay with andeson P/U's in my TA. any sugestions would help Thanks.

09-27-2012, 08:31 AM
Have you tried lowering them? I find that I get my sound out of the H2+ in my Hollow Cobra by lowering it further than you'd guess you'd want to. I find the same thing, actually with the lead pickup in my Crowdster Plus 2 but NOT in the Hollow Atom CT. For some reason, that pickup is perfect the way Tom set it, so far.

Try lowering it first.

09-27-2012, 09:11 AM
Yes I have lowered them and it does help. Thanks for your time on this. I'll try and tweak the height a little more.

10-16-2012, 01:27 AM
I have H2+ in both mt Drop Tops, dont miss any bottom in the clean. I can get fat Shadows sound(typical Fender) when using only HB. fat full rythm sounds with combination og the middle PU. Its not so fat sounding destortetd but verry dynamicly, and thats what i like so much with H2+. I have not a metal amp, but gain is enaugh for me..(Koch Multitone, Jensen custom speakers)

I guess amp and guitarwoods have a big influence of what the bottom sounds trough amp.. Its a bit different sounding in my two guitars old one with maple/basswood is more funky and the new one with maple/adler have fuller sound and more frequences