View Full Version : Another Tom Anderson connection maybe for me?

09-16-2012, 07:04 PM
My brother in law came to my office/music room today and my wife showed him what I want done. Got some lights I want to add and he's going to do the job. He sees my Anderson HTC and says to my wife, "I know Tom Anderson, worked with him back in the 80's." Whoa, can the world be that small? This is the second (maybe if Tom confirms) time this has happened.

I know he worked at Kramer Guitars in Eatontown, Neptune New Jersey back in the late 80's early 90's. He said Tom was there for pickup wiring stuff. Geoff Metz is his name. Remember him Tom?

First encounter was when I was being asked questions by a med student during my annual physical about 5 years ago. My Dr had students from Drexel rotate through his GP practice. Student asked my if I had any pains ailments. I said my hand were getting sore from too much guitar playing. He said he was a guitar player and had a Martin. I said I had a TAG. Then he says "Tom Anderson plays in the church band with my father."

Six degrees of separation is now down to 2.3.

09-16-2012, 09:33 PM
Sure I remember Geoff. In the first couple years if my business I did some consulting for kramer. They made me some pretty great offers to come to work there, but I decided against it. There were some very good folks there, Geoff was def one of them.

Not sure who's dad I play with. I'm the oldster in the band. Had a glorious time playing today. Played a guitar i havent played In a while. Great fun and very inspiring.