View Full Version : Advice on Crowdster swap

08-24-2012, 05:53 PM
So this is a funny little tale. I friend of mine had a yellow swamp ash / quilt top Crowdster that I was interested in purchasing to replace one I had owned a few years ago, however I couldn't pull the money together until RIGHT AFTER he sold it. I mean 20 minutes after he sold it, I called him with cash in hand. Oh well. However, the guy he sold it to had one as well that HE was selling to pay for the new SA/quilt top. It is the one I currently have owned for a week and is beautiful: mahogany back, flame maple top (the dark one in the pics).

Well, the guy called me today and offered me a straight up trade because he seems to like the Mahogany tone a little more. I haven't played the Swamp Ash ones (this is my second mahogany one, and I love it) but the quilt top looks killer. So, if you were me, what would you do? Both guitars are in great shape so that need not play part in the decision. I am concerned about the tone differences though with the Swamp Ash vs Mahogany. Thanks!

I currently own:

His trade offer:

08-24-2012, 08:01 PM
crowder's were ash and mahogany. i remember him saying that the mahogany one was easy to dial in. he was using the pendulum preamp. the ash one took a little longer to figure out but once they were done he used them interchangeably. when he didn't have the pendulum, they just used passive DI's and i could not tell the dif from out front.
so i'd do what ever you like the look of as i think you'll be able to get either one doing what you want.

08-24-2012, 08:59 PM
can't really add a whole lot to what the supreme commander said... If it were me, I would get the guy to come over with the guitar and a/b them both with my rig in my setting. Maybe even get someone else to play them both and walk out front to hear any difference or subtleties. Crowdy's can be dialed in so much any differences in mids or highs between the ash/'hog can be just an knob turn away. After that, it's just a matter of which look you prefer. Just my $.02

08-26-2012, 06:18 PM
Play em acoustic in a black out darkened room ie: bathroom. Without site, only touch and sound. Walk out with the one you can't put down. If your still undecided....which ever one makes you blush when you 1st open the case....like a woman.....you know, that's the one.

08-27-2012, 06:36 AM
fwiw, I think, for me, that the quilt stuff is too flashy for what I do with an acoustic. the flame on my Crowdster is almost too much sometimes. (Yes, visual matters).

ymmv, but for me, I say leave the quilt for the electrics.

That said... that is a SWEET top... so who knows what I'd do in person...

08-27-2012, 10:39 AM
I actually found the Alder backs to be the easiest to EQ. The swamp ash second and the mahogany third. I am using the Pendulum SPS-1 as well.

08-31-2012, 06:46 PM
Well I played out with the dark mahogany one and I don't think I can trade. I just love it too much. Sound, feel, it's all there. Even without the crazy quilt top, the burst with the flame maple is just appealing to the look at. Also, under stage lighting the flame really pops (my camera didn't capture too well). And it did give me "that feeling" when I first opened the case and saw it so I think I am gonna keep it.