View Full Version : Song done with PQ1-PQ3's

08-05-2012, 01:54 AM
I absolutely love my TAG PQ's! Unfortunately I couldn't afford to buy an Anderson guitar with them so I put them in my Brazen Dynasty TV, which has become my project guitar. Anyway, here is a song I did using nothing but PQ's for the guitar parts. Recorded everything using Axe FX II, Steven Slate drums, and Logic Pro.

Used all Marshall Plexi, 1987, and 800 sims on Axe Fx except for a center-panned Shiva sim on the choruses and a Hiwatt sim for cleans.


08-05-2012, 07:14 AM
Great track, JCD. Playing is fantastic and the production is great. I also enjoyed your other tracks on soundcloud. Looking forward to hearing more (I am now following you on SC - Guvnor).

Thanks for sharing.

08-05-2012, 08:31 AM
That was great! Interesting chords, great guitar tones, Very realistic drums.

08-05-2012, 09:49 AM
This sounded awesome! I loved the clip across the board.

08-05-2012, 01:03 PM
This sounded awesome! I loved the clip across the board.

What he said!

That was great! Interesting chords, great guitar tones, Very realistic drums.

What he said too!

08-05-2012, 03:36 PM
Thanks for all the kind words and glad you guys liked it! Man, these PQ's have quickly become my favorite pickups in the world. PQ3 is hot enough to make me feel my humbucker comfort zone yet it has a whole different texture. Middle position with both is kinda glassy and real clean but still rather aggressive with the right pick attack. PQ1 Neck is glorious too. I find myself playing my PQ's 90% of the time now which kinda sucks because it means I'm playing my Brazen more than my Anderson's (Yikes! :eek: ) but one day I'll have a PQ equipped TAG. Now I wish I had a 7 string PQ (waiting patiently for Tom to chime in and crush my soul to say PQ-7s will never exist haha).

All in all, these pickups are EXACTLY what I've been looking for. They are worth buying a cheaper p90 guitar just to use them. That's what I did :p

Great track, JCD. Playing is fantastic and the production is great. I also enjoyed your other tracks on soundcloud. Looking forward to hearing more (I am now following you on SC - Guvnor).

Thanks for sharing.
Oh sweet. Thanks! I'll look you up on SoundCloud. I'll be posting some more stuff up there as well.

08-05-2012, 06:34 PM
Will have to look to see if 7 would even fit under there. But since there has never been a 7 p90, demand would be very small.

08-06-2012, 02:43 PM
sounds really good.

08-07-2012, 02:18 AM
Def some cool tones! No buzz or fizz to be found anywhere!


08-07-2012, 01:19 PM
Thanks guys! Yeah I'm really diggin' these PQ tones. On this Brazen guitar, I replaced more than just the pickups. I put in two 500k Bourns pots, a CRL 3-way blade switch, Switchcraft jack, and put a treble bleed circuit in as well so I can retain the highs when I roll back the volume. I was messing around with the volume rolled back a bunch and tone rolled half off and was fingerpicking with a distortion.... man it breathes so well. Gonna record an example of that and post it soon too.

As for the 7 string p90 dream, I read that Vintage Vibe will custom wind one for 7 string and I think Lollar will do a bladed version. Don't know if they'd get the cool PQ sound I'm loving however..

This guy just threw a 6 string p90 in his Schecter 7 and was actually liking it a lot! Kinda interesting. A pic of it is at the bottom of the page:
