View Full Version : Pickup question

06-19-2012, 07:27 AM
Just received a beautiful cobra fixed bridge with h1/h2+ config. Would an h3 or h3+ give me a little more growl or lower end?

06-19-2012, 07:37 AM
I don't know about the neck pickup, but I will say this.

I have a hollow Cobra with an H2+. A good friend had a Cobra S with an H3. The H2+ is just great at everything it does (I lowered it a little, but that's me), and the H3 in the Cobra S was really hard to tame for anything clean and humbucking, imho...

06-19-2012, 08:27 AM
I'd be looking at what you're playing through if the cobra isn't giving you enough low end. Also growl is as much or more the amp as it is the guitar. To me, growl is an interaction between guitar and amp when the guitar is reacting to the level the amp is hitting it back with. If an amp is not wound up enough it can't growl.