View Full Version : Recommend a bridge pickup for my DT7

03-31-2012, 08:57 PM
The guitar: Drop Top 7; basswood/maple topped body; maple neck, rosewood board; Floyd. Unplugged, it's a touch on the bright end and very snappy.

Has an H2+ at the bridge now. It's very close to what I want, but when a cord rings out with high gain (think Alice in Chains, early STP, Tool, etc.), it sounds fizzy or fuzzy. Saying it sounds like static is too harsh, but it's in that ballpark. I'd like it to be smoother, thicker; more solid.

Again, it's not that I think it sounds bad; it's close. I have a H2 at the bridge of a Grand Am Lam with essentially the same woods, and it sounds perfect (best guitar I've ever played, hands down). But the GAL unplugged is warmer and smoother than the DT7, so I don't think the H2 would give the same results in the DT7.

What do you think? Get an H2 or would a higher output H3 give what I want?


04-01-2012, 01:32 PM
I'd say h3. It's fatter in the low mids and smoother on top.

04-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Thanks Tom! How hot is the H3? Too powerful to match up with SF1s? Since it's one of yours, I assume it still cleans up if you back off the volume and/or pick attack?

Thanks again!

04-01-2012, 07:05 PM
Thanks Tom! How hot is the H3? Too powerful to match up with SF1s? Since it's one of yours, I assume it still cleans up if you back off the volume and/or pick attack?

Thanks again!
Although I don't have a 7 string, the six string version will work fine in that combination.

And the H3 cleans up surprisingly well when you turn down the gain and/or roll down the volume. It splits extremely well too.

04-01-2012, 11:14 PM
Personally, I'd go with an HN3+. Here's what it sounds like in a Pro Am 7: http://f.cl.ly/items/0U2t043Q2b0p1W0D1w2X/Mr.%20Spoon%20-%20Reload%20IV.mp3