View Full Version : Bailey on a treadmill (puppy content)

03-13-2012, 12:09 PM
Bailey is 9 months now - we got her to start using a treadmill - mom had one she wasn't using anymore. My wife has fibromyalgia, and it's painful for her to walk the dog when the weather gets real cold...her back & hips get very sore.

So, we'll be ready for next winter - unless we get a couple more good blasts here in Pittsburgh. It took her about 30 minutes to initally get used to it - she didn't want anything to do with it at first...then I had to pull out the treats. :)


She's just gettin' started, but absolutely loves it!


03-13-2012, 12:24 PM
love it! very nice for winter.

03-13-2012, 04:42 PM
I gotta wonder what a dog is thinking when it's walking and not going anywhere... Like what they think the first time they go up stairs or the first time they ride in a car... stuff like that...

03-13-2012, 07:30 PM
This video got me thinking...which is usually dangerous. To Pietro's points, maybe you should install a high definition monitor in front of the treadway and let Bailey have fun chasing rabbits, squirrels, or cars. To simulate the feeling of speed you could install a fan so it blows in her face. The treadmill should probably be modified so it automatically senses her changes in pace and increases or decreases its speed accordingly, and, of course, the fan would need to vary its speed to provide that extra sensation of wind.

Now, if you're thinking this is a little extreme, bear with me. Once the system is perfected for Bailey, it can be marketed to the parents of children to promote exercise without the dangers of abduction, drive-by shooting or the influences of negative social interractions. Might need to tweak the video content, though. Kids these days just don't appreciate the absolute thrill of chasing a rabbit or a squirrel. I can't speak for car chasing; cars hadn't yet been invented when I was a kid, and by the time they were I was too old to catch one.

Terry, you're brilliant!

PS When you get Baily using an elliptical machine please post the videos. No doubt that will further stimulate my creative juices.

03-15-2012, 10:46 AM
that. is. awesome.

makes me want to get 4 dogs and a bunch of treadmills and do a parody of this:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dTAAsCNK7RA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>