View Full Version : Recording

03-08-2012, 08:39 PM
Greetings all,

I am interested in opinions regarding Anderson players who record using a DAW. My main question is simple: when adding delay to a lead guitar that was recorded dry, is adding the delay in the channel strip or using an aux bus with delay the proffered choice? Or, professional procedure. I have adding the delay in the channel strip but, always wonder if this is the correct manner. I have experimented but, I still would like to hear from recording guitarist on this forum. Of course, my question also applies to reverb and other FX.

03-08-2012, 11:04 PM
Most of the time I add the fx in the channel/track fx bin if it is only going to be used on a single track. I use fx in bus's when I plan to use them on multiple tracks. I say "most of the time" because there are no rules, and there seems to always be exceptions.

03-09-2012, 09:28 AM
With most DAWs I think it'll sound the same. Any effect I am only using on one track goes in the channel strip in Logic for me.

03-09-2012, 03:57 PM
With most DAWs I think it'll sound the same. Any effect I am only using on one track goes in the channel strip in Logic for me.

I am using Logic as well. Thanks for your reply. Puts my questioning mind at ease.

03-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Most of the time I add the fx in the channel/track fx bin if it is only going to be used on a single track. I use fx in bus's when I plan to use them on multiple tracks. I say "most of the time" because there are no rules, and there seems to always be exceptions.

Thank you! I do the same if I use a particular reverb for multiple tracks.

03-09-2012, 11:33 PM
I use FX in the strips too, and use often use automation to make adjustments as appropriate. Sometimes, for example you want a little echo on a guitar part but for certain passages you want a higher mix/dry ratio or more feedback. Also, I don't record enough tracks that I need to do otherwise for CPU reasons. Or maybe because I am lazy? Logic user too.

03-10-2012, 07:52 AM
I use FX in the strips too, and use often use automation to make adjustments as appropriate. Sometimes, for example you want a little echo on a guitar part but for certain passages you want a higher mix/dry ratio or more feedback. Also, I don't record enough tracks that I need to do otherwise for CPU reasons. Or maybe because I am lazy? Logic user too.

I was searching for the "like" button....I guess I have been spending to much time on Facebook.