View Full Version : Cobalt strings, anyone???

03-01-2012, 02:48 PM
I don't know about this. I used to be die hard Slinky user until Elixars came around. I recently tried a set of "balanced" strings on one of my guitars(call me crazy but I actually like the overall feel).

I'm more concerned with playability, the ability to stay in tune and longevity more than "how loud" the strings are. Plus how "silky" can a .046 string feel?
And what makes them almost three times the price? Don't know.

So go ahead and play your "silky" set of strings thru your amp sim and let me know what cobalt sounds like.

03-01-2012, 04:50 PM
Funny- i was looking at those strings in an ad the other day? I have been with D'dad XLs for so long now (and frankly I am pissed at the lousy players point thing), I was actually considering trying Slinkys out to change things up a bit..I won't however try Cobalts if they are that expensive.. (I change once a week):eek: