View Full Version : Bulldog karma is good.

02-22-2012, 10:47 PM
Have been playing a lot of my Bulldog lately, just can't put it down, definitely high mojo factor.

Had to stop playing last night for a few hours to take my 9 year old daughter to her first basketball game. In her league everyone has the same shirts, either blue of white (two-sided).

Teams had practiced a couple times and decided on names.

There was the "Blue Unicorns", the "White Daisies", "Galloping girls", - all very girly and sweet.

Then they introduce my daughter's team:

"The Bulldogs"!!!!

No joke. No input from me either.

Not sure if what I saw was really basketball or not, but with the Bulldog on my mind, it sure was fun to cheer for them!

Thanks again for the great instruments !!!

02-22-2012, 11:28 PM
Go Bulldogs!

Big Harry
02-23-2012, 01:47 AM
agree 100 % , there is definitely some magic in Bulldog .
So, go Bulldogs ! :)

Roy (maybe)
02-24-2012, 11:02 AM
Oh I love that story. It has got to be your influence of just having one in the house (or not but let's say it is). Yea, there is magic in Bulldogs - for sure - so in tune and singing. Mine is that it dissapears into my son's room and won't come out to play. I am going to try and lure it out later this year with a Bulldog Pup or Bulldog Special.

02-24-2012, 11:20 AM
Bulldog Pup! Yummy!!!

02-24-2012, 11:25 AM
My nine year old is actually the guitar player in the family, but she swears she didn't tell them about our bulldog at home. We'll have to wait for our pup as I've got another Andy on order, but soon she'll be big enough to play one.