View Full Version : Crowdster Player Questions

01-13-2012, 05:37 PM
The prospect of living in a TAG-free household is becoming unbearable. Today my beautiful Hollow Cobra S heads to the great white north and I'm already experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

While browsing the TAGW site I discovered the Crowdster Player. When did this model first appear? And can anyone compare the Player model with the standard version?

One of my New Year's Resolutions is lt learn to play a C chord, and I can't imagine being successful without a good instrument (to compensate for operator error/incompetence). Plus the prospect of ordering my very own TAG is just too cool to contemplate. Granted, other than color there are no options, but I bet Roy would play along and help me select just the right neck wood, fret size, etc.

Any thoughts from forum members? Thanks in advance!

01-13-2012, 05:46 PM
color is the only option. they are alder body, maple top, and maple rosewood neck. a dozen or so colors, they are listed on the spec sheet on line. we're limiting all the choices because it's helps us be able to make the price what it is.

we've made a half dozen or so in the last few months. they are supposed to have plain tops but if you've seen the one at a dealer on ebay you'll see that we have trouble finding unfigured wood around here.

sound wise they are a little different if you're listening acoustically, not so much plugged it. the maple neck makes them feel a bit stiffer in you hands, not string tension wise, but over all guitar stoutness, not necessarily a bad thing.

01-13-2012, 06:56 PM
Thanks, Tom for such a quick and thorough response. Sounds like the Player is a new item. I'm a sucker for new things.

My comment about Roy "helping" me with options was meant to be tongue in cheek. Kind of like Henry Ford who commented that people could buy any color Model T they wanted...so long as it was black.

I'll shoot a note to Jack and start saving my pennies.

PS Please! Don't anyone tell my wife about this post. She thinks I'm getting rid of guitars.

01-13-2012, 09:21 PM
Mums the word.


01-15-2012, 02:28 AM
HEY MRS. CONNEMARAGUITAR!!!!!! just kidding, your secrets safe with us.

FWIW i've never played a Crowdy Player but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my C+!! I can't imagine a better guitar for what I do. As far as the player goes, I can't imagine Tom and the guys putting together a wood combo that didn't work sublime. Ain't gonna happen. What I do see is them getting a great guitar within reach of more people which is a testament to the commitment they have to their customers.