View Full Version : HC2 vs. HC3 for bridge position

12-17-2011, 08:04 AM
I'm between these two pickups for my Classic (Alder/maple). I talked to Tom and he was very nice describing their qualities but I still can't make up my mind.

Any suggestions? I'm gonna be playing mostly modern/90s pop/rock with some occasional shredding. Either one similar to the SD JB in terms of output?

I'd would be very helpful to hear some clips but couldn't find any.


12-17-2011, 04:56 PM
For what you describe, between the HC2 and HC3, I'd go with the HC3. I prefer a H2+ or H3 for rocking out, and find the HC2 a little too tame by comparison. But, the HC3 delivers the goods while still providing that traditional midrange honkiness that helps cut through the mix.

The uncovered versions (HF) (and I assume the plastic covered ones) have a slightly brighter top end that hasn't been subdued by the metal cover - I prefer this, but others find it too much of a good thing.

12-17-2011, 06:18 PM
I recorded this tune here with a Mahogany/Maple Drop Top that has a HC3 in the bridge: http://www.reverbnation.com/tunepak/3513065
Hope this is helpful.

12-17-2011, 09:26 PM
I have had both and like both. HC2 in my Cobra, and the HF2 in my classic, and HC3 in my Droptop. I like the HC2 the best. It gets close to the HC3 if you get the booster circuit, but cleans up better than the HC3 for me. The picking dynamics feel better to me with the HC2. The HC3 seemed to only get darker with the boost on in the DT. I ordered my DT with the short scale and mahogany/maple body, so maple neck was the difference as far as construction between it and the Cobra. I like all of the HC/HF series, I think you will be happy with either.

12-17-2011, 09:31 PM
For what you describe, between the HC2 and HC3, I'd go with the HC3. I prefer a H2+ or H3 for rocking out, and find the HC2 a little too tame by comparison. But, the HC3 delivers the goods while still providing that traditional midrange honkiness that helps cut through the mix.

The uncovered versions (HF) (and I assume the plastic covered ones) have a slightly brighter top end that hasn't been subdued by the metal cover - I prefer this, but others find it too much of a good thing.

I originally ordered my Classic with the H2+, switched to HF2 about a year later.

I have to agree here that H2+ is awesome for higher gain. Focused with great note definition on chords. Sounds great split too, probably my favorite split humbucker tone of all. It just didn't do it for me clean or lower gain, can't really describe why.

12-17-2011, 10:40 PM
I would have to go with neither of the HC's and go with an H2+. If you're playing anything modern or shredding the H2+ is great. IMHO the HC pickups lacked bottom end.