View Full Version : 2 things: Super glue ding?...Splitting SF pickups?...

10-17-2011, 03:26 AM
I smacked myself hard for this....put a ding in my DT, right on the corner where the top meets the binding....looks like it could chip off down the road, not sure...doesn't look like it now...would using a very thin line a superglue to keep it bonded be a dumb thing to do?...

also...didn't think SF singles weren't supposed to be split?...At least I thought I saw that posted somewhere...but, just saw a spec sheet with a 5 way and mini that split the factory installed SFs .....01-22-08P...very cool if they can be!

Thanks folks

10-17-2011, 08:49 AM
I'm starting to really dig the dings on my guitars, even the Andersons... the early ones were a drag, though, and almost always put there by somebody else...

10-17-2011, 08:59 AM
Dings are ok and add character, yes...but when it looks like the ding might chip off this beautiful top I start to get anxiety:eek: ....so...using a very thin line of super glue around the perimeter seems like it would keep it from coming off...ya know

10-17-2011, 11:17 AM
if you put the thin glue on with an xacto blade and let it wick into the crack you can seal it off easily. be very careful about excess glue.

we are splitting the SF's when in combo with the split humbucker to get humcancelling. they can be split, but will be extra bright that way since we focused on getting the humcancelling sound as good as we could.

10-17-2011, 01:59 PM
The "water-thin" or "super thin" super glue is found at hobby shops and such... not hardware stores or Home stores. Of course, Stew-Mac offers it too.