View Full Version : Distilled Wisdom?

09-20-2011, 11:39 AM
For some reason, I was thinking today about an interview with the late Gary Moore in which he stated that Albert King helped him build economy in his playing by telling him to "Play every other note, Gary". That simple advice, when I remember to employ it, has done lots to improve my playing.

Any others you particularly like or have found helpful?

09-21-2011, 09:29 AM
For some reason, I was thinking today about an interview with the late Gary Moore in which he stated that Albert King helped him build economy in his playing by telling him to "Play every other note, Gary". That simple advice, when I remember to employ it, has done lots to improve my playing.

Any others you particularly like or have found helpful?
I've always been a big fan of 'less is better' in my role as a rhythm guitarist/singer in my current band. Dynamics is everything playing live, and everyone doesn't need to play 100% of the time. I'm trying to instill that mentality with our keyboard player, who is a great player - but has been known to just 'play too much' in parts that just don't need it. Let it breathe a bit.

Sometimes the 'right note' is no note. ;) But that's just me.


09-21-2011, 03:08 PM
The space between the notes is always as important as, and sometimes more important than, the notes themselves. My favorite jazz story is Coltrane asking Miles Davis how he gets his sound. Miles replied that you start by taking the horn out of your mouth...

To me, Bill Frisell is the the ultimate economical, musical player. A perfect example of the above philosophy.
