View Full Version : AxeFx Ultra has left me...

08-25-2011, 01:41 PM
Well, after owning the unit for about a year and a half I finally decided to let it go.

Initially when I moved into our new place, I wanted something that could sound great at low volumes, take up little space and have the ability to silently record. The Axe did all this but I found myself without time to record which was a major reason of purchasing the unit.

I kept it around anyway as the sounds I was getting out of it (I thought) were close to my previous setup. Prior I have owned a Triaxis/2:90, Road King II, Mesa Mark V -- currently a loaded IIC+.

I wanted to keep the IIC+ at my parent's place so I could have it for playing when I visit them but ended up not really touching it for several months.

Recently I finally plugged in again and was completely floored at how much I was missing. Initially I thought this was just the sheer shock of playing something different but as the weeks rolled along I found many reasons (much of which I can't objectify) that pushed me to sell the unit. Granted, I never plugged into a poweramp/cab combo (and I have never heard any clips of this combination that "wowed" me).

Over the past few months I've fallen in love with the IIC+ all over again and started getting more into pedals which I'm really enjoying -- nothing like tactile interfaces right in front of you.

I have put in a pre-order for DAR's new FBM-100HX which seems to be a merging of the two worlds and I'm eagerly waiting for the results!

Anyway thought I'd share my semi-brief stint with the newer modeling technology. Any of you guys with the AxeFx feel free to chime in!

08-25-2011, 08:35 PM
Still got my Ultra. Still love it. Sat in with some guys last weekend who were floored by the sound. The drummer got there late (big surprise, right :-) and didn't look at my gear until we were packing up. He stared at my QSC K10 monitor and said "Wheres your AMP?".

It may not sound as good as some examples of the amps it models, but once you throw it into a live mix and run it past a sound man I doubt you could tell the differemce. I've never really been a one amp tone guy anyway, so it suits me to a tee. To each his own...

Big Harry
08-26-2011, 03:47 AM
a small problem with Axe and similar devices is that it does not sound as a really amp , but it sounds as already recorded really amp , if you understand my "English" :)
on such a way , it sounds very , very good , I must say .

that's why I am sticking with my 3 ''really amps" ...but that's just me .

08-26-2011, 09:17 AM
a small problem with Axe and similar devices is that it does not sound as a really amp , but it sounds as already recorded really amp , if you understand my "English" :)
on such a way , it sounds very , very good , I must say .

that's why I am sticking with my 3 ''really amps" ...but that's just me .
I don't own one, but the people who'e had the best luck with it understand this. They are going direct to the board live and using full range monitors if needed.

08-26-2011, 10:48 AM
I don't own one, but the people who'e had the best luck with it understand this. They are going direct to the board live and using full range monitors if needed.

That's a pretty accurate assessment of it. In places where the soundman has a clue, I've had good luck just bringing my rack and using the monitors as my stage source. It also sounds good enough that many soundmen won't "fool with it" too much. If I was doing a serious recording gig, I might revert to a tube amp. For most situations (IMO) it's fine.

I have a buddy that uses the Eleven Rack (Digidesign I think) system. It has less refined, more raw guitar amp sound than the Axe. He likes that a lot and gets good results with it.

08-26-2011, 11:38 AM
I was aware that it sounds more like a "mic'd amp" when running direct through my monitors, eluded to this a bit in my original post.

Don't get me wrong, it was a great sounding unit (and I'm sure the AxeFX II is even better) but for my needs it was too much and too little at the same time -- if that makes sense hah.

I was happy that it kept its resale value very well, I was surprised that I let it go for $150 less than what I originally paid new, especially with the new version out.

10-17-2011, 04:39 PM
I've been thinking about selling my other Orange amp (I have two) and getting one of these in its place. I've heard great things about the Axe Fx but unfortunately I don't have any way to test one out.

I know that Adrian Belew uses one with great results, and I'm pretty sure that Dweezil does too... I've never used anything digital at a gig before, but would really love to try it sometime. Our whole PA system uses QSC K10's and K12's, and if this could sound convincing, I'd love to try an Axe FX through the whole thing. I just worry about everything being a little bit 'thin' and/or not having it react like a real tube amp, as far as harmonics and feedback go. Is that an issue? I've SERIOUSLY been agonizing about getting one!

10-17-2011, 10:11 PM
I'm happy with the 11r. It really does have great feel, tone, and and the amp models are very accurate. While not as full featured as the Axe-FX, what it does, it does well and I typically only use 2 to 3 sounds 95% of the time anyway. Plus, it frees up some coin for that new Anderson, but I still would like to try the Axe sometime.

However, there is just something so right about Guitar -> Cable -> Amp sometimes and the simplicity of it.

10-17-2011, 11:04 PM
I've never heard of the 11r... will have to check it out! And I love tube amps... especially of the Orange variety. I just thought it might be cool to also have something totally different, and that might be really easy to travel with too. I've never played without a 'real' amp onstage, so it's something that I'm very interested in trying and terrified of, all at the same time! :)

My Rocker 30 head and matching cab aren't going anywhere though, nor is my old Deluxe Reverb, Champ or Princeton. :) :)

Am going to look up 11r right now.

10-18-2011, 07:17 AM
The Axe is a cool tool but it does not replace an amp. I tried the Axe-2 as well and I thought it was ok but wasn't floored by it. I did play it in the FRFR setup which I didn't like. I had a standard with a Mesa 2:90 which worked well, I'd always pick a tube poweramp with a good cab instead of FRFR.

10-18-2011, 01:31 PM
Not an AXE player, but:

I just sold off well over $2700 worth of pedals/board and replaced it with an HD 500, which I run through a pair of DRZ Maz's, (Maz 18 and Maz 38). Mind you the pedals initially cost a lot more than I got for them.

I did this to put some money back in my pocket, and to eliminate the pedalboard dance.

Now I do not usually use the HD 500 as designed. It has REPLACED my pedal board. I essentially mimicked my old sounds that I was getting off my actual pedalboard-amp setup with sounds created in the HD 500-amp. In addition, I have about 100 or so other sounds I can toy with, and do not have to spend a dime to get there.

I have not yet dabbled too much with amp sims. But I did create a Screamer- JCM800 with a tape delay that sounds good. Have been using that a bit on solos.

One thing I DO NOT try to do is make it "sound like" XYZ amp, pedal, etc. I just go for good sounds that compliment my playing. As soon as you take that philosophy to digital modeling, you are far better off. I mean in reality, no two amps sound alike anyway.

And I have to say, and all the folks that have heard me play also say, they do not notice a difference in my tone. Many of them are not aware I changed my rig so drastically.

Finally, not sure if Neal Schon is still an Axe user, or ever was. But if he is, his sound at a recent show was incredible!

10-18-2011, 04:10 PM
Well, dannopelli, that sounds promising. I'm wondering what it might sound like to use an AxeFx (or whatever similar device I come up with) through the PA, with QSC K10's as monitors onstage. I would just be afraid of everything sounding too thin... but maybe good cabinets could cure that.

I think at this point, I'm just more curious than anything else. I just like a really fat tube tone that can sort of get me in the realm of Zeppelin, Hendrix and King Crimson all at the same time. My Orange Rocker and DTC pretty much give me anything that I need... and if I could achieve a similar tone digitally, that could be nice in certain live situations.

Adrian Belew gets some crazy good tones from his AxeFx... and just some flat out crazy ones too. :)

I would also be thrilled to find a digital overdrive or fuzz pedal that actually sound convincing. I get tired of having my analog ones repaired on a semi-regular basis!

10-18-2011, 06:59 PM
Hey Natalie,

My opinion only:

I went through three Boogies, two Marshalls, two Fenders, a Rivera, Koch, a couple of HK's, and a few other things before I decided on Dr Z. I went through a gazillion OD/DIST/ FX pedals before I arrived at the Hermida stuff. Etc, etc,...
Heck I went through 11 TAGS to get to the five I kept! That said, my story I am sure, is no different than many others.

If you go over to TGP, there are pages and pages about the Axe, HD500, 11R, etc. Many folks love them, and someone is always posting how they are selling them and going back to amps. And someone is always posting how the switch to modelling gear was the smartest thing they ever did.

My point is we all are on a tone quest. Who knows if six months from now I won't be wishing for my old rig! Right now I am really happy.

What you are thinking of doing is kind of radical. And pricey. That said, A LOT OF PROS are using that exact rig.

Only you will know...

I think things like the Axe get a lot more attention because they really are not what we are used to.

10-19-2011, 07:57 AM
Oh, I know... in my relatively short career, I've gone through many Fender amps, a Marshall and a Mesa to get to the Orange stuff that I play now. And even though I was hooked on my Fender strat almost since the beginning, I still tried Les Pauls, an SG, a Firebird, two different PRS McCarty's and some other stuff (because I also wanted to find something with humbuckers that I liked)... and not only did I love my Anderson when I got it, but it also made me stop playing my beloved strat altogether. It does everything that I need it to do, and then some.

I've also tried a bunch of overdrives and modulation effects, and finally arrived at the Fulltone OCD and '69 pedal (except that right now my '69 is broken again and I'm using two Fulltone OCD's). Neither seem to be very reliable though. I'd love to find something with a similar sound that I have better luck with from a reliability standpoint.

I also just played my Anderson through a friend's Marshall last week, and my jaw hit the floor. I'm thinking that I might want to try a Marshall again, because my DTC really seems to like them... and that's an understatement.

I'm just fascinated with the whole AxeFX thing because I like the thought of going on tour and having less equipment (especially when we go overseas in the future, and hauling my amp would be impossible)... and of course the wider range of tones available. I would probably try something like the HD500 first, to see how I like it. It's radical, yes, but I'm still curious. I find it hard to believe that I would ever be happy without a tube amp onstage though. :)

Thanks for the input! I'll check out that forum, and maybe an 11r and Line 6 forum too.

10-19-2011, 11:57 AM
Oh, I know... in my relatively short career, I've gone through many Fender amps, a Marshall and a Mesa to get to the Orange stuff that I play now. And even though I was hooked on my Fender strat almost since the beginning, I still tried Les Pauls, an SG, a Firebird, two different PRS McCarty's and some other stuff (because I also wanted to find something with humbuckers that I liked)... and not only did I love my Anderson when I got it, but it also made me stop playing my beloved strat altogether. It does everything that I need it to do, and then some.

I've also tried a bunch of overdrives and modulation effects, and finally arrived at the Fulltone OCD and '69 pedal (except that right now my '69 is broken again and I'm using two Fulltone OCD's). Neither seem to be very reliable though. I'd love to find something with a similar sound that I have better luck with from a reliability standpoint.

I also just played my Anderson through a friend's Marshall last week, and my jaw hit the floor. I'm thinking that I might want to try a Marshall again, because my DTC really seems to like them... and that's an understatement.

I'm just fascinated with the whole AxeFX thing because I like the thought of going on tour and having less equipment (especially when we go overseas in the future, and hauling my amp would be impossible)... and of course the wider range of tones available. I would probably try something like the HD500 first, to see how I like it. It's radical, yes, but I'm still curious. I find it hard to believe that I would ever be happy without a tube amp onstage though. :)

Thanks for the input! I'll check out that forum, and maybe an 11r and Line 6 forum too.

Have you considered the Wampler Leviathian Fuzz? Played one in NYC and loved it.

HD 500 is a a bit of a steep learning curve if you are going to use it for all it is worth. Your really have to read the manual and spend time on the forums. The Axe too. Both have a nifty computer interface that controls almost all parameters. But you do have to think a little differently than what you are used to with guitar - pedals - amp. Especially if you want to use the FX loop. But if your amp has an FX loop you can use it as either a pedal board, and get your amp to give you all the sounds it does, or as a full on modeler and just use your amp for power. And there is no rewiring. There is a post on the Line 6 forum on how to do this. Then if you do a travel gig take the HD 500 along, and if there is a backline amp with FX loop you can still do what you do with your home rig!

I actually mounted mine on a PT1, so I could permanently install the power supply below it. I also retained a few pieces from my old pedal board, mounted to a PT JR and occasionally use both. The PT Jr has a Voodoo labs power supply under it, and I made an 18" power cord to connect the boards. I also had Pro Cables and Sound make a snake for me to put it all together nice and tidy. Finally, as a last resort back up, I keep a FD II in my gig bag all the time.

The reason I do this is because I have been burned a few times with singers kicking my board, spilling beer, rectifier tubes crapping, etc. So the FD II backs up everything, the HD 500 backs up a blown amp, etc. And if all goes nicely, I get about a gazillion sounds.

That said, I am currently using about six of those gazillion sounds! HA!

Suriel Zayas
10-19-2011, 01:12 PM

About 8 years ago I had an FD II go up in flames on stage, no lie.

10-19-2011, 05:58 PM
I've never heard of the Wampler fuzz before, but I'll check it out! As for the FDII, I never had much luck with them. I had TWO of them go bad on me- first the 'boost' channel died on one of them, and then the other channel died. So I replaced it. Then THAT one died a not-so-slow death as well. Maybe it was just a fluke or something, but it was enough to scare me away from them. Now I think that one of my OCD pedals are starting to die, and my '69 pedal has already been messed up for a while. I don't seem to have much luck with Fulltone pedals, which is a shame because I really like them.

And what you described, as far as how you use your HD500, is exactly what I'm after. I'd LOVE to be able to have some consistency if we're out of town playing and I'm not able to use my regular rig (combo amp + pedals) for whatever reason.

I wish that AxeFx would come out with a device that doesn't get a gazillion sounds... I'd take five or six really good ones, and hopefully at a much lower price point. :)

I'm sure that whatever I decide to do, it will be fun playing around with all of it anyway.

10-19-2011, 06:40 PM
As for the FDII, I never had much luck with them. I had TWO of them go bad on me- first the 'boost' channel died on one of them, and then the other channel died. So I replaced it. Then THAT one died a not-so-slow death as well.

Have you tried any Barber pedals? I had an OCD and replaced it with a Barber Direct Drive. Great pedals, reasonably priced, I have several. Here's the link to his web site.


10-19-2011, 11:16 PM
I tried something different with my Axe Ultra about 2 weeks ago.
All of my use till now has been in FRFR (Full Range Flat Response)
mode through pretty nice sound systems, using my K10's as stage
monitors. Generally the stage volume is pretty low.

My new band is more low rent. Just a few of us hanging out
and playing oddball stuff we like. No high end sound systems
or pro soundmen here :-).

We played out for the first time last weekend and I tried to use
the Axe and the K10's like an amp. It worked, but didn't sound
near as good as I'm used to... I think the volume level really
changes the game. Fletcher Munson kicks in and I think I need
a new EQ curve and a bit dryer effect mix than I use in the
other situation.

Anyway, I know I can work it out. The Fractal has the capability,
but it's not a small learning curve. It's very different than just
turning up an amp. If you're a gear junkie like me and don't
mind (or maybe even like :eek: ) fiddling with it, it's pretty cool.

10-20-2011, 07:45 AM
Thanks for the link Jack. I'll check it out! I've been really, really unlucky with Fulltone stuff... so if there's something else out there that sounds as good, I'm happy to try it.

And after much online 'research' yesterday, I've decided to sell one of my unused amps and get an Eleven Rack. They're way cheaper than the AxeFx, and even though the Eleven Rack has less options available, they really sound great (the clips on their website kind of stink though). At the very least, this will be a fun experiment... and I can always keep it to record with. I'm terrified of us going somewhere where I won't be able to bring an amp with me, so I'm hoping that this can become a valid option. We'll see! :)

10-20-2011, 08:44 AM

And after much online 'research' yesterday, I've decided to sell one of my unused amps and get an Eleven Rack. ...)

11R is a very good choice. Good luck!

Just remember you will need some sort of midi controller to use the 11R live. Voodoo labs Ground Control Pro and an expression pedal seems to be the preferred choice: http://www.voodoolab.com/gcontrolpro.htm

AXE FX offers a dedicated controller, but like you said, you kind of need a mortgage for that system. http://www.fractalaudio.com/p-mfc-101-midi-foot-controller.php Also you will need to add an expression pedal.

Line 6 HD 500 will do it all in one in the footpedal version, http://line6.com/podhd/multi-effects/hdmodels.html.

You can match up a HD Pro rack version to a Line 6 FBV, the Ground Control Pro, or any midi pedal. http://line6.com/podhd/pro/

One concern I have for you, since you seem to have issues with pedals breaking, is how hard you beat on them. Not a shot, but lots of folks step on those switches REALLY hard. One thing about the Line 6 stuff is the switches may not be of the "take a beating type." That said, there are guys touring with Line 6 stuff having no issues. I can't personally speak to the Line 6 ruggedness, as I have been doing very little live work the last year or so. There is a guy that replaces the switches, and rather inexpensively, for higher impact versions. Not sure about the Voodoo labs ability to take a beating. You may want to troll their forums a bit.

As far as pedals go, I know a lot of guys like the Dave Barber's stuff. Shaun (Casper) swears by them, and he is real picky about his tone! I had Barber's compressor for the longest time and it was awesome. But Dave uses only larger sized boxes and that became an issue for me, (I had 14 pedals on my board!) And I found his pedals to be quiet, but not the "quietest". Better than newer FD for sure. (The older FD stuff was better in my experience, mine never broke.) But I do find the Hermida stuff to be VERY quiet. I have had a Zen Drive for nearly eight years now, done hundreds of gigs with it, and no issues.

But then again, my man Suriel, who does about a gazillion fly dates a year, had an FDII explode on him! (He was probably playing hotter than the pedal could stand!) I'd listen to him before me! He turned me on to the Alf Hermida stuff.

10-20-2011, 09:49 AM
Actually, I don't stomp on them very hard, which makes it all even stranger to me... and it's never been the switches that go. And I've ONLY ever had Fulltone pedals go bad on me... I used a modded TS-9 for like four or five years and never had a problem with it. I still have it, and it still works like a champ. I also have some other pedals that I don't gig with anymore, and they all still work fine. But I've had major trouble with two FD2's, a '69 pedal, a '70 pedal and now one of my OCD pedals (and I've only had that one for a few months). Fulltone and I don't seem to get along, for whatever reason! It kind of stinks because I love the sound of my OCD pedals... and the '69 too.

And yeah, I've definitely be looking at some midi controllers. The Ground Control just looks like it has way too many buttons on it. I never use more than a few pedals. I like the one that comes with Guitar Rig... just a few switches and an expression pedal built in. I would like to buy something like that- and have overdrive, fuzz, delay/univibe/whatever and a wah. I wouldn't need any more than four or five switches. So far I haven't seen any like that... other than the Guitar Rig one. If you know of any, feel free to let me know. :)

I am DEFINITELY going to check out the Barber stuff. Sounds promising! I've heard some other people talk about those pedals before too. I'll put my nerd hat on and start my 'research'. Hehehe.

Anyway, thanks!!!

10-23-2011, 10:09 PM
Have you considered the Wampler Leviathian Fuzz? Played one in NYC and loved it.
Continuing about Wamplers.....
I have used only tube amp distortion for many years now, since I sold my original tube screamer in the early 90's. However, about 2 month ago I grabbed a Wampler Pinnace Deluxe (distortion pedal) to take to a couple fly-to gigs, including one in Thailand. I wanted a sound that I could trust I could get out of different amps that I use at different gigs. I immediately bought the Wampler Faux Tape Echo afterwards, and used these 2 pedals exclusively in a couple large gigs (6,000 people 3 piece band & 2,100 people solo with CD bass/drum track). In one I went into a JCM2000 stack and the other I went into a Mesa Dual Rectifier stack. The amps never changed channels and stayed just on the clean channel, never touched during the gigs. So I'm happy with an overdrive pedal again, and it's much more consistant than some old tubed or old speakered amps I have gotten for some gigs.

10-27-2011, 10:17 AM
Hmmm... I may seriously need to look into Wampler. I'm really curious now!

And I got my Eleven Rack, and in the small amount of time I've had to mess with it so far, it's pretty amazing. I plugged it in through a QSC K10, and it really did sound like a good tube amp on certain settings (and I've always hated digital stuff and have kind of thumbed my nose at processors until now). It's unbelievable really. I also feel pretty good that I was able to find a practically new, used 11r for $500. :)

I'm curious to know if anyone of you guys might have some suggestions for a good speaker for it. I know that a lot of people are using the K10's with their AxeFx and Eleven Racks, but I didn't know if there might be something out there that's even better... preferably powered, so that I don't have to buy another power amp (I gave my Crown power amp to my stepdad for their home stereo system, and I'd feel really bad taking it away from him, hehehe).

Anyway, just thought I'd ask! Also, do any of you have Eleven Racks? I was wondering if it's worth it to get the expansion pack.

10-27-2011, 10:42 AM
I have a Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe arriving today. I plan on playing it through the clean channel of my modded Marshall. I will post video clips with my Classic by this weekend.