View Full Version : Show us your pedalboards

07-20-2011, 11:49 AM
I'll start:


Crowdster C2+ run in stereo
Acoustic side: Harmony G (vocal) pass through, Aura Spectrum, Baggs AFX Delay, Baggs AFX Reverb, Boss RC30 Looping pedal, into Bose T1 mixer.

Electric Side: Line 6 M9, Boss RC30 Looping Pedal, Bose T1 mixer.

I'll have the Ernie Ball Stereo Volume pedal this afternoon. It can work as a volume pedal or a pan.

Everything goes to a Bose Compact.


07-20-2011, 12:52 PM
uh oh, this is gonna be trouble. i have been so happy with mine for a while now this is going to get me thinking again.

07-20-2011, 02:11 PM
Probably not what you guys are looking for, but here's a picture of my new pedalboard anyway. :cool:
At least it won't get tom thinking too much! :D

07-20-2011, 02:14 PM
I had two. One is gone to ebay and the other is going soon. Got me an HD500. Figured out a way to use it in front of my amp as a pedal board, and not use any amp modelling. I'll need to keep my Compressor, Tuner, Zen and Mos for a while until Line 6 models a few more/better dirt stomps. But so far I am liking it.

Here are the old ones that are being parceled out. And actually the upper pic, the DD was replaced by a Lovepedal Sunburst, the Tone Press by a Wampler Ego Comp, and the BB by a Zen 1.


This one is mostly gone already:


07-20-2011, 02:15 PM
Probably not what you guys are looking for, but here's a picture of my new pedalboard anyway. :cool:
At least it won't get tom thinking too much! :D

That is what I am going for too. Simplicity!
Very nice.

07-20-2011, 02:30 PM
Thanks danno! I have to say I really like the G System a lot! The build quality of the unit and the effects/sound quality are superb!
I did choose to take the brain of the unit and put it in the rack, so all sound connections from amp to G-System and any pedals I needed to incorporate are really short. The only cable I have to run from the rack to the pedalboard is one single CAT5 control cable, which carries power to the pedalboard as well. Super simple and easy to set up.
The G System also has 4 fx loops that allow you to incorporate any pedal, so I run an Ibanez TS8 and a BB Preamp for various levels of crunch and boost in there. The two pedals are mounted to a shelf in the rack. As with all rack solutions, you have to be a bit careful with noise, but other than that this is a great solution in my opinion.

07-20-2011, 03:34 PM
My big board is mainly for my Egnater MOD50 since some of the effects run into the front and some go into the loop. The standalone boxes and two banks of the M13 go in front. Last two banks in the loop.

My little board was made for an M-Audio backpack so it fits my board in one pocket and then all cables and extra stompboxes in another. I often load my Line 6 M9 in that backpack, too, just in case I need funky delays. This board normally goes all into the front end, but sometimes I'll pull the cables and run the Dark Echo in the fx loop.

My newest board will get built soon enough and it'll be this here along with an EQ/boost pedal and a Vibrato pedal, both of which will go into the front end of an ADA MP1 tube preamp (just call me Nuno) and into the fx return of one or two powered combo amps. The M9 is between the pre and the cabs so it's just for mods and delays. I call it my Steve Lukather Starter Kit. :)

And this is my "board" when I'm running Line 6's DT series amps. The L6 Link connection is hassle-free, simple, and it turns the whole rig into something much bigger and more beautiful than you can imagine. HUGE tones out of this and the DT50 combo. Try running stereo DTs and now you have the ability to set up different amps and pedals for each side, all of which can be controlled via two assignable expression pedals. I've never done a real live rack rig, but this whole One-Button-Changes-Everything functionality is pretty mesmerizing. Gets me jonesing for the Lukather rig.

07-20-2011, 03:51 PM
Current version... trying different compressors to see which I like best.
Soon to add a Hartman Flanger for my Pink Floyd show.

Suriel Zayas
07-20-2011, 04:36 PM
I humbly submit........


07-20-2011, 05:11 PM
I humbly submit........


I love it. I can already tell that sounds great.

07-20-2011, 08:37 PM
For plugging in to a rental backline:


For plugging in to my own Marshall:

07-20-2011, 10:48 PM
For plugging in to a rental backline:


I've played that Wampler Pinnacle and thought it was really amazing. How do you like it?

07-21-2011, 08:13 AM
I humbly submit........


Redd Volkaert says that pedals are tone suckers..but I think this one would actually work.

07-21-2011, 10:24 AM
I've played that Wampler Pinnacle and thought it was really amazing. How do you like it?

Usually I like to get gain from the amp as using pedals for gain never really worked for me in the past. However, the Wampler Pinnacle is the first pedal I've plugged in to a clean amp to get a gain/lead sound and thought, "This really works!"

07-21-2011, 11:12 AM
Usually I like to get gain from the amp as using pedals for gain never really worked for me in the past. However, the Wampler Pinnacle is the first pedal I've plugged in to a clean amp to get a gain/lead sound and thought, "This really works!"

that's exactly how I felt!

07-21-2011, 06:51 PM
I humbly submit........


I think you might be able to maximize the tone potential if you swapped the order of the tube and the crossover. Are those Canare, gator clips?:D

Suriel Zayas
07-21-2011, 07:13 PM
I think you might be able to maximize the tone potential if you swapped the order of the tube and the crossover. Are those Canare, gator clips?:D

Bud, Thanks for your thoughtful and sincere contribution to the development of my pedalboard systems. I will share the tone-mojo with you and only you. The maximum tone potential is achieved through properly secured "galvanized lug bolt." And young man, today is your luck day! I have gone back to my design bench and found 3 galvanized lug bolts. Enough to build you your very own SZ Designs pedalboard! :D :cool: :D :cool: :D

07-21-2011, 07:37 PM
Bud, Thanks for your thoughtful and sincere contribution to the development of my pedalboard systems. I will share the tone-mojo with you and only you. The maximum tone potential is achieved through properly secured "galvanized lug bolt." And young man, today is your luck day! I have gone back to my design bench and found 3 galvanized lug bolts. Enough to build you your very own SZ Designs pedalboard! :D :cool: :D :cool: :D

That's why you have the good gigs! I mean--how are the rest of us supposed to compete with that level of tech?! It's looks like a piece of art!

07-21-2011, 07:49 PM
Bud, Thanks for your thoughtful and sincere contribution to the development of my pedalboard systems. I will share the tone-mojo with you and only you. The maximum tone potential is achieved through properly secured "galvanized lug bolt." And young man, today is your luck day! I have gone back to my design bench and found 3 galvanized lug bolts. Enough to build you your very own SZ Designs pedalboard! :D :cool: :D :cool: :D

Dang, with you being a fellow Anderson aficionado, I incorrectly assumed the lug bolt was stainless. I wondered why mine didn't sound quite right.

07-21-2011, 08:56 PM
Duct tape is a tone sucker.

07-21-2011, 09:23 PM
A dying, Eveready "Black Cat" 9 volt would put your tone into hyperspace, SZ.


07-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I humbly submit........


What's with the EQ settings?!?! Doesn't that suck all of you mids out? :D

07-22-2011, 01:05 PM

07-22-2011, 02:07 PM
My own personal Riverdance...


07-22-2011, 02:17 PM
Holy Smokes. TWO M13's?!?

1) Are they MIDI sync'd?
2) It looks like the f/s for a Duende. Correct?
3) Is there one M13 in the front and one in the loop?
4) Do you really use 8 effects at once?
5) is there a case for that board?

Very cool. I'm a fan.

07-22-2011, 02:35 PM
Holy Smokes. TWO M13's?!? I should call it a M26!

1) Are they MIDI sync'd? No, I come out of the left one and go into the right one with cables
2) It looks like the f/s for a Duende. Correct? Good eye. My sweet sweet Duende. LOVE.
3) Is there one M13 in the front and one in the loop? The first two banks of the left one go into the front, everything else goes into the loop
4) Do you really use 8 effects at once? No, but I do use more than 4 sometimes. All the way to the right I have a 2db solo boost, a 4db solo boost and a -4db cut
5) is there a case for that board? They fit perfectly on a PT-Pro with about 1/2" left

Very cool. I'm a fan.And I of you. Your video of the Variax made me want to get one. I'm a weekly visitor to your site xxxxxxxxxxxx

07-22-2011, 02:38 PM
thanks for the answers!

And thanks for visiting the site. That reminds me, I've gotta update Free Music Friday...

07-22-2011, 02:42 PM

Suriel Zayas
07-22-2011, 02:57 PM
Duct tape is a tone sucker.

Not this one, it's true bypass. :p

PS: Thank you for your genuine concern.

07-22-2011, 04:17 PM
Not this one, it's true bypass. :p
PS: Thank you for your genuine concern.

Just trying to help. ;) :D

07-22-2011, 10:38 PM

Close to what I've got going lately.......the Peppermint is not still in this location.

In all honesty, the TT gets used the most :) , followed by the Klon and the wah. Love the Arion and Bob Sweet's (R.I.P. Bob :( ) Mojo Vibe, but REALLY like my old Leslie 145 for guitar..........but, it doesn't fit on my pedal board very well......


I also really like a Tube Tape Echo..........makes you sound BIG!!

07-25-2011, 06:37 PM
that's exactly how I felt!
+1 - try Brian's Plextortion for more of a brown sound...

07-25-2011, 08:25 PM
love the big wooden boxes! in the old days i carried two of them:eek:

Ray K.
07-26-2011, 08:56 AM
love the big wooden boxes! in the old days i carried two of them:eek:Whoa! Please tell me you were playing a nice, honkin' B3 through 'em and not guitar(s). ;)

Ray K.

07-26-2011, 10:05 AM
oh no, guitars only baby!

07-26-2011, 12:41 PM
love the big wooden boxes! in the old days i carried two of them:eek:

Hey Tom, don't i remember reading on here that you have a bad back? It's no wonder! Sheesh!

07-26-2011, 01:08 PM
ah, but was young, foolish, and invincible then.

07-26-2011, 04:53 PM
Had this config for 7 years now. there is a T-rex Fuel Tank undermounted that powers everything. Got the Pedaltrain roadcase that keeps it from getting beat up in the truck..

07-27-2011, 05:03 PM
Not that exciting, but super functional.


07-28-2011, 01:47 AM
I just finished my board.. all I have to get is 1 new patch lead so I'm using a george L for now.
Chose the Demeter compressor simply because its more versatile than the Juicer.. just wish I could have kept both on the board as the Juicer is simply incredible for country style leads.
I've got a Pink Floyd show to do on Fri night so I had to get the Hartman for accuracy.

07-28-2011, 06:36 PM
love the big wooden boxes! in the old days i carried two of them:eek:

I've never tried two at once. But, I've heard that you can get some really cool phase effects going by setting a Leslie up on either side of the stage.

07-28-2011, 07:56 PM
it can get pretty swirly. i remember seeing Focus with ackerman and 6 leslies on stage:eek:

07-29-2011, 07:41 AM
it can get pretty swirly. i remember seeing Focus with ackerman and 6 leslies on stage:eek:

An obvious sign that the man had roadies............ :)

Hey Tom, I bought my Leslie from Eliot. Believe it or not, he and I carried it down his stairs and got it into the back of my pickup truck. Of course this was many years ago.

Not sure we'd care to repeat that again!!

07-29-2011, 08:58 AM
I've got a smaller one now but it still never goes anywhere.

Rob C.
07-29-2011, 09:36 AM
I don't have the earliest version from 10+ years ado when it consisted of a Dunlop wah and a delay pedal but here is the last 5 or so.




And then there's the acoustic board...



08-06-2011, 06:00 AM

08-29-2011, 02:34 PM
Heres mine
ive had to wait a few weeks to complete this picture as ive been waiting for a delivery from fuzzhugger in pennsylvania


ive resounded myself to not buying any more honest!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

08-29-2011, 02:45 PM
Dude... there's a freakin' bunny on one of your pedals.

That is oh so wrong in oh so many ways...

08-29-2011, 02:54 PM
i must admit a bunny thats about to get blown up by a bomb did appeal to my strange sense of humour! im not sick or anything honest!!!

12-12-2011, 05:26 PM
Erm, didn't stay like that long!!
