View Full Version : It did it again

06-21-2004, 01:25 PM
I'm always amazed how great my Cobra S sounds through all the amps I've played through it. Yesterday, I decided to a/b/c my Cobra S with my two Suhrs through my newest purchase- a Cameronized Marshall and the cobra s just had the tone that I like. I love my suhrs, they are different from the Cobra s (they're more in the drop top heritage), but I just love the aggressive and focused mids the cobra s brings out. Slight loss of harmonic complexity and the neck pickup on my Suhr Classic sounded sweeter, but the cobra s is my high gain guitar as its the best sounding guitar that I've played through the high gain amps I own or have owned. Just my 2 cents! I just wish I could get the neck on the cobra s to my liking:D ;)

06-21-2004, 02:49 PM
and why can't you?

06-21-2004, 04:16 PM
Ok, I admit it-I'm superstitious. I'm afraid of losing the magic mojo that's on that guitar! Just joking (half-joking actually because I do believe some of the mojo of that guitar comes from the body's unusually heavier weight and that thicker neck). I think in the end, I kind of like it for what it is at this point. It just wouldn't be my favorite without that neck.

06-21-2004, 07:43 PM
My Cobra and Drop Top have standard necks on them. When I was shopping for guitars this month, I looked for guitars with the bigger, '62 Roundback neck on them. The reason why I did is because I've had guitars with bigger necks and really liked them, so what I wanted to accomplish with these new guitars was to try and grab some of the magic of what I thought about the older guitars. I think it's something psychological, but I don't know what it is: the bigger neck makes me think about my playing differently than playing on a standard neck.


06-22-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Ok, I admit it-I'm superstitious. I'm afraid of losing the magic mojo that's on that guitar! Just joking (half-joking actually because I do believe some of the mojo of that guitar comes from the body's unusually heavier weight and that thicker neck). I think in the end, I kind of like it for what it is at this point. It just wouldn't be my favorite without that neck.

then stop bitchin' about it and keep on rocking:p :p :p

06-22-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
then stop bitchin' about it and keep on rocking:p :p :p

Hey, I told you to stop with the editorials! :D I forgot to tell you-the guys at Hot Licks were digging the Cameron. Those guys are like you-they said, take off that resonance, bass boost! My old guitar teacher who works there told me Dan would dig it. We'll see. Oh yeah, Carlos' VH guitar is not for sale.

06-22-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Hey, I told you to stop with the editorials! :D I forgot to tell you-the guys at Hot Licks were digging the Cameron. Those guys are like you-they said, take off that resonance, bass boost! My old guitar teacher who works there told me Dan would dig it. We'll see. Oh yeah, Carlos' VH guitar is not for sale.

Mark, regarding that VH Chavel - I told you so! For the record, those stripes are too thin anyway - too much black, too little yellow, even if it is a Pre-Pro. Maybe Hossman can comment, since I noticed that he's now an Anderson Forumite! (BTW, he's a residence expert over on the JCF Online (jackson charvel forum).

And, regarding that bass boost - too modern sounding, not enough 80's tone! Speaking of the 80's, a bunch of old Andersen colleagues went out to Pipeline on Friday to check out Russ Parrish and the A Punks. I guess the "Buddhist Priest" made an appearence? Is Ah Foon still playing? How's Dan sound - is it close to the Screaming for Vengenance tone? Man, I would love nothing more than to see a bunch of asian dudes (hawaii styling of course - no FOB's) jamming Priest covers! Hey wait,.....that's us!;)

06-22-2004, 05:20 PM
Mike, damn, your Hawaiian connections must be better than I thought!! Not a big VH fan and anyway, I was way too sick to go to a concert. I didn't know Buddhist Priest was on the bill. As for Dan's tone-I'm not sure what rig he's playing now, but for the last couple of years, it's been Anderson-Egnator preamp-VHT poweramp-and a pair of Bogner cubes. Not sure if that's going to make the Priest tone or not. Speaking of the Punks, gotta funny story-my friend's cousin rented out surfboards to the Punks last year. The Punks were happy with the service so they told him to bring a friend and go to the backstage area. They said they would put his name on the list so he and a bud could get in free. He went backstage with his friend, and sure enough, they forgot about him. So he and his friend buy tickets, they go in legitimately and halfway through the concert, the singer looks at the crowd and remembers, "oh yeah, I told that beachboy he could get in and I didn't put his name on the list." So, the singer starts telling the crowd how he messed up, and wanted to make amends by pointing to my friend's cousin and having the crowd cheer for this poor guy. The crowd applauds, and bam, the singer points to someone else!! Too funny.

06-22-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Mike, damn, your Hawaiian connections must be better than I thought!! Not a big VH fan and anyway, I was way too sick to go to a concert. I didn't know Buddhist Priest was on the bill. As for Dan's tone-I'm not sure what rig he's playing now, but for the last couple of years, it's been Anderson-Egnator preamp-VHT poweramp-and a pair of Bogner cubes. Not sure if that's going to make the Priest tone or not. Speaking of the Punks, gotta funny story-my friend's cousin rented out surfboards to the Punks last year. The Punks were happy with the service so they told him to bring a friend and go to the backstage area. They said they would put his name on the list so he and a bud could get in free. He went backstage with his friend, and sure enough, they forgot about him. So he and his friend buy tickets, they go in legitimately and halfway through the concert, the singer looks at the crowd and remembers, "oh yeah, I told that beachboy he could get in and I didn't put his name on the list." So, the singer starts telling the crowd how he messed up, and wanted to make amends by pointing to my friend's cousin and having the crowd cheer for this poor guy. The crowd applauds, and bam, the singer points to someone else!! Too funny.

Now THAT story is PURRRRRRE DLR. Go's to show ya that Ralph Saenz is more Dave than Dave, these days.

On the subject of Dan's rig, that's what he had in the shop, back when I was working for Victoria Ward (circa Nov 2000-Sept 2001). I'd imagine that Bruce's preamp coupled w/ the EL34's in the VHT (2502?) would be very Marshall-esque.

Next time I'm in town, I'm gonna ask Dan-o to blow some "Green Manalishi" licks wit me!

06-22-2004, 05:44 PM
Yeah, he's had the same rig for a while and I doubt if he has changed things. He told me he has a difficult time changing things because he is so used to playing the same rig all the time. BTW-I just sent you an email-Cameron content enclosed.