View Full Version : NGD: Soloway Swan

05-26-2011, 12:05 PM
I traded the Z and Air Brake for this...

Dude even covered my end of shipping, so it was a totally square deal.





it really is that red on the back and the back is one piece. I think it's finished in Nitro, my only guitar like that.

Lacewood top over Swamp Ash (chambered, almost totally hollow, like I like 'em).
27" scale. You can tune it to E with 10s, it plays nice and SUPER articulate, I'm digging it tuned to D right now.
Maple neck (nice subtle flame, actually)
pau ferro fingerboard (I think)
I think it has some kind of DiMarzios in it. They sound AWESOME. I kinda like them split, but way more together. (Nobody's guitars split like Tom's do... Perhaps there will, eventually, be some TAG pickups in here? Hmmm... we'll see...

Only plugged it into the DRRI so far. Sounds awesome. Will sound better through the POD, I bet. It "jangles" leading me to believe that a pair of filtertrons would be more appropriate. Great for jazz tones, but I'm more of a pop/rock player... and I have no complaints about the tone for that.

Ask me if it sounds as good as my Andersons? Uh... no... My Andys fit my hands better and sound better to my ears, for my tone. But this is no slouch guitar. I think it will be a keeper. But I'm going to reserve judgement for now.

Not certain yet, but I think I'm diggin' it... Will I put some kind of piezo in it like I always seem to do? maybe not this one...

05-26-2011, 05:39 PM
Looks very nice. I bet it tunes down great, which is something I could use as we have picked up a few songs now that drop the entire gtr a full step then the low D drops to C. Gotta keep them kids coming out.

05-27-2011, 06:28 AM
Beautiful, Pietro...nice score! The lacewood is sweet and I bet it rings nicely.

Best of luck with it!!!


05-27-2011, 09:29 AM
Yeah it sounds great. I don't know if I like nitro, though. My first guitar with nitro finish in about 10 years.

tweaked the neck to raise the action a bit and cleaned up the filthy frets.

Thing is playing sweet now, about to come up with some HD 500 patches for it.

06-08-2011, 03:33 PM
Just like that it's gone...

First off...


Let me explain...

The Soloway was grand. Amazing, actually. Probably a better guitar worth more money than this one... but it wasn't "Peter". The scale, the functionality... just wasn't me. Tuning baritone was WAY COOL, but I'll never actually play that way in a band...

I was listening to some of my older recordings (from about 1991 or 1992) that are my favorite recordings ever and guess what... they're almost all Les Paul. So... I set about looking for a Les Paul that somebody wanted to trade for my Soloway (a tall order... different customers)

I also, to be frank, vastly prefer Heritage guitars to Gibson (I've owned two of each over the years).

Lo and behold, there's a dude with a Heritage with a Bigsby (which I thought would be pretty cool, actually) who actually WANTED a Soloway Swan.


Easy decision.

Plays better than the Les Paul I had years ago (just a little, that was a special guitar).

Sounds amazing. Came with one of those awesome Seymour Duncan Phat Cats in the rhythm position, which sounded GREAT... but not me. Fortunately, the original SD Seth Lover was in the case. I immediately swapped it out (easy peasy) and now I'm set. I'm TOTALLY in love with the sound of a LP neck humbucker. I could just noodle around on that all day...

Heavy as hell (The Bigsby adds almost a pound), but playing for about an hour with it today didn't hurt, and I have a wide padded strap. And when I get tired, I just pick up my PRS (which balances better but doesn't have the "oomph") or my Anderson Hollow Cobra (which, at about 6 pounds, is the most amazing electric guitar I've ever touched).

I'll try and be inspired and record something with this soon.

I am, however, a stickler... I'll most likely swap out that pickguard for the Gibson-shaped one, and I'll probably have to add the "Rhythm/Treble" ring... It's just not right without it...

Also, I have to be honest. A Les Paul is the most beautiful guitar ever made, imho. I just love the look. Always did.

Yes, I'd rather have a Bulldog... but... unemployed... no means... maybe some day...

06-08-2011, 07:59 PM
That is one nice looking guitar. You are right about the pickgaurd and pickup switch ring though.

06-09-2011, 07:09 AM
It has its own thing going. The Seth Lovers and the RS wiring kit make for a sound that is way better than my Gibson was years ago (although I haven't got the bridge where I want it yet, might have to raise it a little). And the Bigsby... I swear it adds some "zhing" or something.

It'll never be my number one (except for this week), I expect... but I did miss having one of these more than I thought I did.

Ray K.
06-09-2011, 10:01 AM
Hey Pete,

Here's some advice for you that I was given not too long ago...ready? :p

I thought of a perfect solution.

It's a simple 3 step process.

1. Sell LP on eBay

2. Buy a Bulldog

3. Experience intense joy.

Just a suggestion, of course...

Hehe, yes I am totally joking/messin' with ya. :D I just absolutely couldn't pass up the opportunity. ;)

Seriously, congratulations on finding a LP since you've been wanting one!

Actually, your story is cool and I've done similar, more than once. Buying a guitar, usually without seeing/playing it, discovering it didn't fit "me" and putting it back on the market right away (sell or trade).

I hope you are able to get the minor tweaks worked out with yours, and that you will get a lot of enjoyment from it.

Ray K.

p.s. my LP should be coming home sometime this month from being refinished. Can't wait to get it!