View Full Version : Rattling in headstock area

05-15-2011, 02:56 PM
Hey, guys, I've noticed a rattling (very much like the sound of small baby rattle but less obtrusive) if I vibrate the headstock area of my DTC by, for example, gently shaking it. About three years old, Standard trem, Regular Anderson locking tuners (the ones with a slot that a penny fits into). Sounds like it's coming from inside several tuners. Any ideas? Thanks.

05-15-2011, 04:43 PM
In dry weather the tune nuts can get loose. Seen it many times. It's a 10mm wrench.

05-15-2011, 07:30 PM
That's what happened to me one time... the rattle drove me crazy until I finally figured it out.

05-15-2011, 07:37 PM
In dry weather the tune nuts can get loose. Seen it many times. It's a 10mm wrench.

Thanks Tom, Pietro, I'll give it a go when I change strings.

05-15-2011, 10:14 PM
That happened to my taylor once.