View Full Version : Dave Barber's new speaker cab

06-16-2004, 07:37 PM
Check out Dave Barber's new speaker cabinet. This will be sitting under my Echelon soon.

Barber thread (http://tpngear.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15)


06-16-2004, 07:46 PM
holy moly, never thought about the out of phase thing with open backs, but it makes sense. need to hear it, but it's too big and heavy for an old fart like me.

07-03-2004, 02:47 AM
The Barber speaker cabinet is awe inspiring, period. I couldn't possibly go back to a 'regular' cabinet after being exposed to this. I'm still experimenting and probably will continue to be for a long time. I'll keep this fairly brief for now.

Negative phase combo (front twelves with rear firing ten out of phase)...

This setting has the qualities of an open back combo with the focused bass response of a sealed enclosure. Low end thump, control, and articulation combined with open back sweetness and sparkle. Running the Barber Echelon to emulate a blackface Fender through this cabinet setting made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

Positive phase combo (front twelves with rear firing ten in phase)...

This setting is something entirely new to me and perhaps new to the electric guitar community as well. It's an addictive effect that sounds positively enormous in any room. HUGE tones here. I need to readjust my hearing when switching out of this setting. The tone sounds small for a few minutes although it isn't in reality. The cabinet sounds phenomenal in the other three settings but this is truly awesome. Probably not appropriate for certain applications but hard to resist for sure.

Similar results in both positive and negative settings with the cabinet turned around so the single ten is facing me as well.
