View Full Version : Wilkinson Locking trem

10-14-2003, 08:13 AM
Hi Guys,
I have a really nice old Eggle Berlin Pro which has a Wilkinson locking trem on it. Does anyone know where I can access information on setting up this trem ? I've tried the Eggle website, the sales office and trawled the web via google etc, but I can't seem to find anything about Wilkinson at all. Any heads up on this one would be much appreciated.

10-15-2003, 05:10 PM
I purchased a Wilkinson VS100 off EBay and am about to install it on a Warmoth Strat I'm building.

It came with the instructions and if you like I can scall them in to the computer and make some graphic files of them.

I haven't read them in detail yet but a friend of mine who's installed them a number of times has warned me that they're supposed to be a real bitch to set up. (Once setup, they work extremely well.) From what I did read, however, there were some things were not very clear. So, I'll try to do this after I get the thing installed and may have a few tips I can add. Should be done by this weekend.

10-20-2003, 01:39 AM
Thanks Leon - that really would be appreciated. It is extremely hard to get any information about these Trem systems. The eggle is not my number one , but I would use it more if I could only get the thing set up correctly. Looking forward to seeing the files.

10-20-2003, 10:12 AM
I'll try to bring it into the office Weds and scan it and get it to you (if you have a fax machine, please email me your fax number and I'll fax it to you. This will be a lot better than the scanned copy). I did in fact get it in my guitar and pretty much setup on Friday. On Saturday I took the guitar to my local tech to have the frets dressed and have it professionally setup.

I did not drill the holes for or screw in the trem-cavity cover as I figured that my tech would want to position it just right, after the setup. As you probably know by now, the trem-cavity cover plays an essential role in the way the locking works--the end of the tremolo arm must rest securely in the adjustable "locking" screw that fits in the back of the trem cavity cover.

The other critical things in the adjustment are:

- getting the bridge height and level just right. You want the bottom of the bridge parallel to the surface of the guitar and you want it up and floating about 5/32" or so above the surface of the top. This means a LOT of diddling with the claw and returning.

- getting the top adjustable piece of the trem arm assembly (the part above the spring) in the right position in terms of it's rotation around the arm. You'll need to fiddle with this (using an allen wrench) quite a bit. It's position determines where the arm points in resting position.

- getting the bottom adjustable piece of the trem arm assembly in the right position height wise so that the bottom of the trem arm comes into contact with the 'pocket' in the "locking" screw that's attached to the trem cavity cover.

Truthfully, the instructions didin't help me much. For me, it was a case of fiddling with the thing and getting a handle on how it works. I'd strongly suggest that you familiarize yourself with its workings first...

10-22-2003, 05:53 PM
Reckless - send me your email address. Mine is leon@patchwerkz.com