View Full Version : Crowdster Plus 2 clips in "two-voice" "stereo" mode

04-09-2011, 02:37 PM
I FINALLY made a few clips (very simple, no guitar gonzo stuff) to show what the Crowdster is capable of.


Check it out if you have any interest at all in the Crowdster or in mixing acoustic and electric sounds together.

Also, if you just want to hear the clips, they're here.


04-09-2011, 03:03 PM
Really great job! The still photos and call-outs are really informative. Great audio and great playing.

04-09-2011, 03:45 PM
Very nice, I wish I had the patience and the time to put something together like that.

04-09-2011, 07:18 PM
Great video and sounds. I've had my C+2 for about 6 months now and am a true believer in the "two voice" thing. I was getting ready to ask about what multifx are out there for the acoustic side. I see you are using a Yamaha box.

Chris Lieder
04-09-2011, 07:57 PM
I just gotta say, that is cool. Thanks for putting that together.

04-09-2011, 10:48 PM
that is the best demo i've seen for the crowdy. many thanks for doing that.

04-10-2011, 01:14 PM
Great video and sounds. I've had my C+2 for about 6 months now and am a true believer in the "two voice" thing. I was getting ready to ask about what multifx are out there for the acoustic side. I see you are using a Yamaha box.

I'm not a big fan of effects on acoustic, but I'm using the HD 500 to do some effects on the electric voice, some on the acoustic, and some on both. It's VERY flexible for that. Perhaps when I get gainful employment again, I will start saving for an Axe-FX and be able to do this even better. The Yamaha AG Stomp is ONLY used for eq, mike modeling, and a dash of reverb. the chorus and delay in there is, imho, useless.

Very nice, I wish I had the patience and the time to put something together like that.

Does the fact that I'm currently unemployed explain this? (I hope, pray, and expect it won't be long...)

that is the best demo i've seen for the crowdy. many thanks for doing that.

You are MOST welcome! I hope it helps you sell gobs more of them!

I'll probably add a clip showing how I use the same rig for an electric with a piezo, and maybe a comparison of an electric with piezo compared to the Crowdster... It's a substantial difference. I'm always amazed by the fact that the Crowdster sounds better than any acoustic plugged in that I've encountered, with the possible exception of my friends McPherson (which is so incredibly BAWSS I don't have words for it, but is also about 6 times the price of anything I could afford right now...)

04-10-2011, 02:29 PM
The clip was awesome. Liked it so much I listened to it twice. Thanks for sharing. Your setup sounds fantastic!

04-10-2011, 05:10 PM
I'm not a big fan of effects on acoustic, but I'm using the HD 500 to do some effects on the electric voice, some on the acoustic, and some on both. It's VERY flexible for that. Perhaps when I get gainful employment again, I will start saving for an Axe-FX and be able to do this even better. The Yamaha AG Stomp is ONLY used for eq, mike modeling, and a dash of reverb. the chorus and delay in there is, imho, useless.

Thanks for the comments on the AG-Stomp. I'm looking mainly for a tiny bit of compression and a bit of verb. Sometimes a mild stereo chorus would be nice. Nothing that would get out of the realm of "real" acoustic tone. I like what you did in your demo with the real acoustic backed up by heavy fx electric pad just behind it. You've given me some things to shoot for.

04-10-2011, 09:15 PM
very nice job pete, it sounds incredible!

Chris Lieder
04-10-2011, 09:54 PM
I think everyone interested in getting a crowdster should watch this video. If I would have watched this when I was first looking into 2 voice guitars I wouldn't have had to do as much research as I did into the crowdster before I decided to get one. Can I recommend one thing though? I would recommend a more descriptive name, something like "Anderson Crowdster Plus 2 Demo". And then add a bunch of tags to it, things that people may search for. Like "2 voice" "crowdster" "TAG" "Taylor T5" etc... Anything that you can think of that other people will search for if they are interested in this guitar or other guitars like it. If I was looking for a crowdster video with the current title I don't think I would ever find it. Also, it may be worth while to add a description too. No pressure, I just want all your hard work to be seen by many people and for the Crowdster to be seen by many as well.

04-11-2011, 05:59 AM
I think everyone interested in getting a crowdster should watch this video. If I would have watched this when I was first looking into 2 voice guitars I wouldn't have had to do as much research as I did into the crowdster before I decided to get one. Can I recommend one thing though? I would recommend a more descriptive name, something like "Anderson Crowdster Plus 2 Demo". And then add a bunch of tags to it, things that people may search for. Like "2 voice" "crowdster" "TAG" "Taylor T5" etc... Anything that you can think of that other people will search for if they are interested in this guitar or other guitars like it. If I was looking for a crowdster video with the current title I don't think I would ever find it. Also, it may be worth while to add a description too. No pressure, I just want all your hard work to be seen by many people and for the Crowdster to be seen by many as well.

I might do that with the youtube clip, but the 2-voice article was only meant to be a reference for 2-voice guitar, not the Crowdster specifically. But I can probably add tags to that article, too. THANKS!

Thanks for the comments on the AG-Stomp. I'm looking mainly for a tiny bit of compression and a bit of verb. Sometimes a mild stereo chorus would be nice. Nothing that would get out of the realm of "real" acoustic tone. I like what you did in your demo with the real acoustic backed up by heavy fx electric pad just behind it. You've given me some things to shoot for.

YES! The AG Stomp would be great for what you describe. One caveat, though. It has 8 mike models. I have only ever used #1. imho, skip the rest, although you might find one that you like the best and stick with that one.

You guys are too kind!

04-11-2011, 05:10 PM
Outstanding video, Pietro.

04-11-2011, 09:08 PM
Best C+ (and C++) demo to date! Way to go Pietro! I gotta get a pog2

04-12-2011, 05:41 AM
Best C+ (and C++) demo to date! Way to go Pietro! I gotta get a pog2

Shucks... thanks... Yes, you do... I had a Micro POG (bought it from Tom, actually) for a little while. Didn't quite do it, but the POG 2 is a blast.

04-12-2011, 03:33 PM
Pietro, have you ever run into any ground loop issues while working though any of you set-ups? The reason I'm asking is that I get a ground loop hum with my C++ when running the acoustic side through an LR Baggs Venue acoustic preamp then to the PA with the electric side going directly to the amp. The Baggs unit has a ground switch but pressing it makes no difference. I've tried powering the Baggs unit with a 1-spot and with a battery. No difference.

This is driving me nuts. When I first got the Crowdster I used this same setup with no noise. Now I'm fighting a ground loop hum and can't figure out where it's coming from.

04-12-2011, 03:46 PM
Pietro, have you ever run into any ground loop issues while working though any of you set-ups? The reason I'm asking is that I get a ground loop hum with my C++ when running the acoustic side through an LR Baggs Venue acoustic preamp then to the PA with the electric side going directly to the amp.

I did, when I was running a "real amp" have very occasional unfathomable ground loop issues that were, for me, always solved when I plugged my tube amp into a different circuit, and/or used a whirlwind DI box and lifted the ground. Also, I seemed to have less of a problem when I used a HumX. Also, it was easy for me to troubleshoot with a real tube amp when I was using a small mixer on stage to mix the miked amp with the acoustic side. I do NOT trust the sound man to get my electric/acoustic mix right. They always get it wrong, so I would be able to lift ground at the little mixer and at the DI box.

Also, it helped when I ran all of my stuff off of the same circuit. Acoustic preamp/FX/tube amp/mixer.

But nowadays, I only use my tube amp when I'm running electric only, and even then it's rare.

04-14-2011, 05:43 AM
I'm not a big fan of effects on acoustic, but I'm using the HD 500 to do some effects on the electric voice, some on the acoustic, and some on both. It's VERY flexible for that. Perhaps when I get gainful employment again, I will start saving for an Axe-FX and be able to do this even better. The Yamaha AG Stomp is ONLY used for eq, mike modeling, and a dash of reverb. the chorus and delay in there is, imho, useless.

+1 on the AXE-FX and the Crowdster

Pietro, it sounded great!