View Full Version : Anyone Swap Pickup's on Their TAG

X - Road 28
03-26-2011, 04:40 PM
No Blasphemy intended, just wondering if anyone has experimented with other brands on their TAG's.


03-26-2011, 05:05 PM
I don't know why I would.

03-27-2011, 08:49 AM
There is a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS Cherry flamed Cobra on the bay right now with all the trimmings and the guy has Dimarzios or Duncans in it...you could ask him..but I don't think he has any bids currently.

03-28-2011, 12:11 PM
Ok, I'm a blasphemer, or rather I'm about to be. I have a beautiful Hollow Drop Top Classic that is currently SSS, but I really want and SSH set up. Ok, here's the blasphemy - I really like the look of white pickups in the pearl guard and really don't like the look of black pickups in the pearl guard. Well Tom doesn't make a white bobbin humbucker (at least not that I'm aware of) so I'm gonna build up a second guard and use - gulp - Suhr pickups. I have all the parts and just need to sit down and finalize my wiring diagram and fire up the soldering iron. I just haven't got around to do it.

Ray K.
03-28-2011, 02:37 PM
With the last Classic I had, I needed noiseless pickups and had been wanting to try DiMarzio Area pickups ('58 and '61). So, in they went. It sounded really good, but just wasn't quite what I was wanting to hear.

I sold that TAG, after putting the original pickups back in and bought a CS Strat. The DiMarzio pickups went into it and I'm a happy camper.

If it makes anyone feel better, I have Anderson pickups in a non-Anderson guitar (H-S-H) that I use on an almost everyday basis. :)

Ray K.

03-28-2011, 04:54 PM
I once put EMG's in one of my Classics. :eek:
Terrible mistake! Took'em out in less than a day. I've gone back to SF's and HN3+ and never looked back.

03-28-2011, 05:18 PM
i've put anderson pups in everything else i have to date, other than my acoustic! i have alot of sc's, but they sound killer!
don't think i can do another kind of pup?! i played dimarzio's for years, then had my share of duncan's. honestly haven't tried some of the others that have been mentioned (lollars....???)? i'm with marcus on emg's...:eek:
i will support tom's transducers! :)
With the last Classic I had, I needed noiseless pickups and had been wanting to try DiMarzio Area pickups ('58 and '61). So, in they went. It sounded really good, but just wasn't quite what I was wanting to hear.

I sold that TAG, after putting the original pickups back in and bought a CS Strat. The DiMarzio pickups went into it and I'm a happy camper.

If it makes anyone feel better, I have Anderson pickups in a non-Anderson guitar (H-S-H) that I use on an almost everyday basis. :)

Ray K.

03-29-2011, 10:46 AM
Can you elaborate on the 58' and 61'? ...what did or didn't you like about them?....Its been my experience that Toms' pickups sound the best in his guitars....Tried Virtual Vintage pups one time in the same HDTC...yeesh...not happening. Tried Tyler pups(in a HDTC)...good..but not the same meat as TA pups had...thing is, if using non TA pups...I think the resistance must be the same as the S series TAs you were using it was intended for, so it will match...I could be wrong
With the last Classic I had, I needed noiseless pickups and had been wanting to try DiMarzio Area pickups ('58 and '61). So, in they went. It sounded really good, but just wasn't quite what I was wanting to hear.

I sold that TAG, after putting the original pickups back in and bought a CS Strat. The DiMarzio pickups went into it and I'm a happy camper.

If it makes anyone feel better, I have Anderson pickups in a non-Anderson guitar (H-S-H) that I use on an almost everyday basis. :)

Ray K.

03-29-2011, 12:24 PM
My Drop Top has Kinman 69's in the mid and neck positions.

I didn't like my SA's so fitted the Kinmans over 4 years ago and I love them.

I have the new SC's in my Warmoth and they're fantastic.
If they were available when I got my Drop Top, they'd still be in there :D

03-29-2011, 07:49 PM
My Drop Top has Kinman 69's in the mid and neck positions.

I didn't like my SA's so fitted the Kinmans over 4 years ago and I love them.

I have the new SC's in my Warmoth and they're fantastic.
If they were available when I got my Drop Top, they'd still be in there :D
Isn't it funny - I love the SAs in my Hollow Drop Top Classic.

Ray K.
03-30-2011, 11:26 AM
Can you elaborate on the 58' and 61'? ...what did or didn't you like about them?....Its been my experience that Toms' pickups sound the best in his guitars....Tried Virtual Vintage pups one time in the same HDTC...yeesh...not happening. Tried Tyler pups(in a HDTC)...good..but not the same meat as TA pups had...thing is, if using non TA pups...I think the resistance must be the same as the S series TAs you were using it was intended for, so it will match...I could be wrongHonestly, I don't remember exactly...sorry. They were, oh, 98% there in the Classic, but there was just 'something' missing. Can't really put my finger on it now.

But I do know they work very well in the Strat. Played it for a few hours last night as a matter of fact, particularly because I stumbled on a tone that I had been hunting. (another story for another thread)

Everything is good as far as I'm concerned. I wasn't planning to part with the Classic, which I had bought used without having a chance to demo it. But, I had also been on the hunt for a specific Strat. One fell in my lap, so to speak, and I needed to part with the Classic to make the deal happen. No regrets on my part, though that was definitely a very nice Classic. My favorite out of the (3) that I've owned over the years.

Now, the Classic Hollow T that I sold...that's another story. I'm on the prowl for another good "T" guitar. Definitely want a Short T, if it all works out.

Anyway, I was only replying to the OP's question. I certainly love Tom's pickups, though I've yet to try them all. That would take awhile and a bit of cashola! But, my #1 guitar that I use every week is still my HDT which is bone stock from TAG (except for straplocks). And there is the other non-Anderson guitar that I mentioned.

I hope I answered your question somewhere in all of this rambling... :)

Ray K.

03-30-2011, 03:28 PM
I put a Gibson Burstbucker Pro in my Hollow T, to Muddy so i put a h1+ in about a month ago and love it. Super hot though.