View Full Version : opinions on Plek?

03-04-2011, 01:32 PM
Anyone have this done to their guitar http://www.plek.com/en_US/home/
My Anderson plays fine but, I have a few other guitars that have given me trouble for years.

Ray K.
03-04-2011, 02:47 PM
My Gibson Historic Les Paul was Plek'd at the Custom Shop. I really like the frets, but the nut needed some fine tuning in my case.

The frets won't be as nice as what you'll find on any Anderson guitar, but they will be nicely leveled/crowned/polished. You should be able to set the guitar up with lower string height if you desire.

Hope that helps,

Ray K.

03-04-2011, 05:37 PM
I had a Carvin Plek'd by PhilTone in Baltimore. Plays like a different guitar, best money I ever spent on having fretwork done on a guitar.

03-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks for the info guys. :)

03-06-2011, 01:02 PM
Charlie Chandler always setsup my guitars in the UK, he's very well known and respected and he swears by the Plek.

I think theyre great.

03-07-2011, 11:45 AM
I have a 1960 RI Les Paul that was plek'd. The set up was great when I bought it, the frets are really well done. Of course, the guitar is still made of wood, so I've had to set it up again since then. I've never had a guitar plek'd after I've owned and played it for awhile.

03-07-2011, 01:15 PM
The PLEK is a tool and is only as good as the guy running it.
I owned four factory PLEK'd Heritage guitars and all had issues. I've played several factory PLEK'd Gibson's that had issues. I've owned one and played several PLEK'd Suhr's that didn't impress me as much as my Andersons or Groshs or Tuttle. In fact Michael Tuttle saved several of my guitars that were all PLEK'd up! :D

I'm sure in the hands of the right guy the PLEK gives amazing and consistent results, I guess I haven't played a guitar PLEK'd by the right guy yet. Do I think an Anderson or Grosh or Tuttle will benefit from a PLEKing? Absolutely not.

It's weird as normally I'd be all for something like this: like a CNC machines to improve consistency and repeatability. I just haven't played a PLEK'd guitar that could hold a candle to an Anderson or Grosh or Tuttle.

03-07-2011, 05:27 PM
My understanding of how a Plek works is that the guitar needs to be strung up and a set up done to the players spec. The guitar is put in the Plek machine with the strings still on it and neck and frets are analyzed by the machine. The guitar is removed from the machine, the strings removed, the guitar put back in the machine. The machine applies pressure to the neck to mimic how the neck looked when the strings were on it and the work is performed on the frets based on what the machine determined it needed to do when the guitar had the strings on it tuned to pitch.

I can't imagine that any manufacturer, like Gibson or Heritage, takes this much time in the process.

03-07-2011, 05:58 PM
My Anderson is fine but, I'm thinking of pleking an 2002 PRS custom 22 that has small issues, the local guys can't get it done, so I thought try the plek. The closest Plek company for me is NY, which means shipping the guitar to Samash or Peekamoose guitars. I don't think samash is an option but, Peekamoose makes guitars? Anyone ever hear of this company?

03-07-2011, 07:54 PM
My Anderson is fine but, I'm thinking of pleking an 2002 PRS custom 22 that has small issues, the local guys can't get it done, so I thought try the plek. The closest Plek company for me is NY, which means shipping the guitar to Samash or Peekamoose guitars. I don't think samash is an option but, Peekamoose makes guitars? Anyone ever hear of this company?

Never heard of Peekamoose but Philtone in Baltimore did a great job on mine when he plek'd it. He was pretty busy and it took a while but worth the wait for me.

03-07-2011, 08:03 PM
Never heard of Peekamoose but Philtone in Baltimore did a great job on mine when he plek'd it. He was pretty busy and it took a while but worth the wait for me.
Is that Philip Jacoby? I've heard nothing but praise for him. I bet he could do a great job without the plek. ;)

03-07-2011, 09:03 PM
I have a Duesenberg that was plek'd and it plays fantastic. I've had lots of Andersons and don't think any of them needed a plek b/c of the quality of the craftmanship at TAG. But, in my opinion, the Duesenberg plays in the same league as a TAG and maybe part of that is the plek job.

03-08-2011, 02:13 PM
Is that Philip Jacoby? I've heard nothing but praise for him. I bet he could do a great job without the plek. ;)

Yes, that's Phil Jacoby. He gets any work I can't do myself.