View Full Version : Pedals

06-11-2004, 09:08 PM
I just bought some new Fulltone pedals and I was wondering what your thoughts are on the order pedal should be in. I'm thinking;

1. Volume pedal
2. Dunlop classic Wah
3. Deja- Vibe 2
4. Fulltone Choral/Flange
5. Full-Drive 2

Later I want to replace the Dunlop Wah for the Fulltone one. Any thoughts on that pedal?

Any other pedals I should consider, ones you couldn't live without? I'm using a pedal train and am out of room.

I'm also using about a that Voodo Lab power supply. Do the sag power outputs make any difference?

Jimmie B

PS The Mesa Lone Star is great, But I think after playing it for awhile its sound is much different than I last reported. It's much more Marshall (Vintage) than I had first thought.

06-11-2004, 09:30 PM
My 2 cents: Wah->Drive->Volume->Mod (flange, vibe, etc.)

Placing the volume after the drive allows you to keep the gain consistant when swelling or changing levels.

Next up would be a delay pedal. Try the Digitech X-series Digidelay. Very nice pedal with true bypass for low dough.

If you use the amp's distortion, you'll probably want the delay and maybe the chorus in the fx loop.

Keep in mind that you wont hurt anything by experimenting with your fx order. Ultimately, you have to decide what works for you.

06-12-2004, 07:15 AM
I'll second everything KB said except that I like my Deja Vibe before my OD pedals. Try it both ways and see what you prefer.

06-12-2004, 07:30 AM
About the Fulltone Wah pedal: It's a great sounding wah and is built like a tank. The only thing that bugs me about them (but what others probably like) is the longer travel of the pedal. I've always used the Vox and Cry Baby type pedals and am more comfortable with the physical travel of them. For this reason I like the Teese wahs best, and use a Teese RMC3. Either the Fulltone or one of the Teese wahs would be a nice upgrade oner the Dunlop, although it's a good wah for the money.

06-12-2004, 10:24 AM
I had ergonomic issues with the case design of the Fulltone wah as well. Killer sound but I just couldn't adjust to it physically. It wore me down quickly.


06-12-2004, 01:18 PM
it's weird, i was looking for a longer throw. i remember the old colorsound wah having a longer throw, and a great vocal quality. i looked pretty hard for one but never found it. i tried the fultone, and i found i really wasn't after the extra travel. i ended up with the teese also. it has an amazing vocal resonance.

06-12-2004, 01:53 PM
Thanks for the replies! I'm not familiar with teese, who handles them? I'm more behind the eight ball when it comes to pedals than I thought. I've been using only rack stuff (just sold Triaxis/2:90), since I first saw "Luke" and "Landau". And I think I became a bit of a rack snob, maybe for to long. So far I love my Lone Star and new pedals. Working with a more dynamic amp and pedal has shown me how lazy I've become as a player. I'm thinking of still using my TC G-Maj for delay and reverb and run them through the loop. Thoughts?

Jimmie B

06-12-2004, 02:20 PM
Try Bob at tpngear.com for Teese wahs. Teese doesn't allow discounts on his pedals but Bob could probably throw in free shipping if you tell him I sent you. :)

Brian Conley

06-22-2004, 08:08 AM
You can check out Teese wahs here:


I have a RMC3 and love it.

On another note, how do you like the Deja Vibe?


06-22-2004, 08:14 AM
The Pedal Power 2 has that sag feature you were talking about. I plug my wah into one of those outlets and sag it just a bit. I seem to hear something, but it's hard to put a finger on it.

Depending upon the length of your cable between the pedalboard and the amp, you might also consider adding an Axess Electronic BS-2 buffer/splitter. It's a great product.



06-23-2004, 07:38 PM
Just finished reading an article in Tonequest magazine with Robert Keeley of Keeley Electronics and he had a phase that he made up that helps him with the order of pedals, goes like this from guitar to amp

Chain- (compressor)
Of- (Overdrive)
Effect- (EQ)
Pedals- (Pitch)
Make- (Modulation)
Life- (Level)
Easier- (Echo)

He also said that a sample effects board might contain these effects: Guitar to Wah,Compressor,Overdrive,EQ, Vibrato,Chorus,Tremolo,Volume Pedal,and Delay to Amp.

I really enjoy reading the Tonequest Report, they did a nice article on Anderson guitars and Tom Anderson. Also had a review of a Translucent Blonde Hollow Classic. After I read it, I ordered the exact guitar from Richmond Music,love it.

06-24-2004, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by nickdahl
You can check out Teese wahs here:


I have a RMC3 and love it.

On another note, how do you like the Deja Vibe?



Thanks for the tip and web address. It looks like they aren't making the RCM3 till Sept. I'm bidding on a Fulltone Clyde. I'm curious with the longer travel, I've always been frusrated with the dunlops short travel. Maybe I'll demo the Teese if I'm not happy with the Clyde. I love the Deja Vibe. I've heard some don't like the rate control, it speeds up to fast. For me I've been able to set it to tempo quite easily. I don't use it with a fast rate at all. The tone is nicely subtle and very transparent. It is my favorite Uni-Vibe tone. So far I haven't used the vibrato or modern modes.

Jimmie B

06-24-2004, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by nickdahl
The Pedal Power 2 has that sag feature you were talking about. I plug my wah into one of those outlets and sag it just a bit. I seem to hear something, but it's hard to put a finger on it.

Depending upon the length of your cable between the pedalboard and the amp, you might also consider adding an Axess Electronic BS-2 buffer/splitter. It's a great product.




I'm definately getting the Pedal Power, though the price is really prohibitive. Harmony Central has a great article on true bypass and buffered circuits. I'm using the Mayer splitter/buffer.

Jimmie B

06-24-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by tunacaster
Just finished reading an article in Tonequest magazine with Robert Keeley of Keeley Electronics and he had a phase that he made up that helps him with the order of pedals, goes like this from guitar to amp

Chain- (compressor)
Of- (Overdrive)
Effect- (EQ)
Pedals- (Pitch)
Make- (Modulation)
Life- (Level)
Easier- (Echo)

He also said that a sample effects board might contain these effects: Guitar to Wah,Compressor,Overdrive,EQ, Vibrato,Chorus,Tremolo,Volume Pedal,and Delay to Amp.

I really enjoy reading the Tonequest Report, they did a nice article on Anderson guitars and Tom Anderson. Also had a review of a Translucent Blonde Hollow Classic. After I read it, I ordered the exact guitar from Richmond Music,love it.


Thanks ! great article, I'm going to send my MXR script Phase 45
to Keeley to get the true Bypass and the switch light.

Jimmie B

06-25-2004, 09:30 AM
I bought a Deja Vibe this week and I like it too. It does things exactly like I would want it to.
