View Full Version : Noise when touching the pickup bobbins.

Ariel Pozzo
01-10-2011, 02:35 PM
My Grand Am Lam has SD1 and SD1R stacked humbuckers, and an H2+ humbucker.
Whenever I select any of the stacked humbuckers and rest my fingers over the black fiber bobbins (NOT on the metallic poles), I hear a loud noise similar to when you touch the tip of a live plug. This is most noticeable when using hi gain.
All wiring is correct (Tom just sent me the schematics and I double checked everything and it's fine).
What could be causing this hum?
I just got this guitar back after many years, I don't remember it making this noise before.

01-10-2011, 03:04 PM
we have seen old pickups that have been subjected to many years of acidic sweat start to become conductive like what you're describing. usually the pickup fiber looks bloated from the years of moisture and the poles are usually rusted. i'm afraid there's not much that can be done once the damage is done. to prevent it from happening pickups can be wiped down after use and occasionally be wiped with a light oil both to keep the poles from rusting and to keep the fiber from absorbing sweat and minerals in the sweat.

Ariel Pozzo
01-10-2011, 05:15 PM
You mean all my pickups are ruined?:confused:
Color me really unimpressed by the material used for the bobbins...I have guitars way older and way more used than this Grand Am and their pickups work fine.

01-10-2011, 05:43 PM
they could be. it's the same material used on fender tele's since 1948. it is not impervious to acidic sweat. we have newer models that have plastic covers that will survive the worst treatment. i also have guitars with our pickups that are older than that with no ill effects. it will be very dependent on how acidic different peoples sweat is, same as rust on black oxide screws.

01-10-2011, 06:29 PM
I get some rust on pole pieces and screws, but I've never had this problem.
The rust on the pole pieces doesn't impact sound in any way, right Tom? Also, do you also offer plastic covers on S size pu's? I thought they're only available for H size pu's...

01-10-2011, 08:15 PM
rust is never great over the long haul. a little light oil and scotchbrite pad will clean it up.
SC's are the covered single coil size stacks and VA's fit under standard fender size covers.

Ariel Pozzo
01-10-2011, 08:35 PM
So...I'll need to replace these pickups. I have SD1, SD1R and H2+ in there...which ones do you recommend that sound as good or better and won't have this same problem down the road?

01-10-2011, 10:03 PM
Wouldn't the Scotchbride pad scratch or even ruin the bobbins on SF's/SA's?
As for the covered S size pu's, I'm familiar with the SC's. I actually meant fully covered (incl. the pole pieces) like the HC's. I don't think that's offered now, right?

01-11-2011, 10:56 AM
ariel, SC1's and an HC3 would my choice.
markus, the scotchbrite would be very lightly rubbed on the rust with oil and would not damage the fiber.

01-11-2011, 10:58 AM
Cool beans, Tom. I'll give that a try.

01-11-2011, 11:14 AM
cool beans? i know only one other person i've heard use that term. and you know him.

01-11-2011, 11:21 AM
I picked it up from a colleague at work years ago... :confused: I guess it's a German's attemp to appear all West Coast relaxed... ;) :D Who else do you know who says that?

01-11-2011, 11:55 AM
bob wilcox.

01-11-2011, 12:19 PM
Ha! Didn't notice that Bob uses that term as well. I'm in very good company then! :)

01-11-2011, 09:49 PM
can honestly say, i've been saying that 'sayin' a little more often the last year or so, as well as a few others I know, to kinda 'bring it back!'
iz cool beanz yo! :)

01-13-2011, 01:08 AM
cool beans? i know only one other person i've heard use that term. and you know him.

Rich Mazzetta says "Cool Beans" on a daily basis.

08-17-2012, 09:02 PM
Hi Tom,

I have a brand new Short T with classic vibrato on it. 2-26-12P.

Here is the build:
Model - Short T Classic with Contours
Body Finish - Trans Yellow
Body Wood - Swamp Ash
Neck Wood - Hard Rock Maple
Neck Finish - Satin Finish
Nutwidth - 1 11/16 in
Frets - Heavy
Back Shape - Even Taper
Hardware - Chrome
Bridge - Vintage Tremolo
Pickguard - Black
Pickups - SC1 SC1 TF3
Switching - 5 Way, Add Bridge
Strings - .010-.046 Elixir strings

My problem is similar to this one. LOTS of buzz when I let go of the strings or am not resting my hand on the bridge. Also, if my fingers touch the pole pieces on the live pickup (any of them) I get an intense hum. The hum/buzz, if I am not careful when playing, keeping my hand on the bridge, can be nearly as loud as the note. I've tried isolating the guitar from all effects. I always play clean - no overdrive. Tried it with different amps, in different AC outlets. Tried simply swapping the guitar out for several others - a couple of Collings, one with humbuckers, one with TV Jones, as well as my Yanuziello. The Collings have a small amount of buzz. The Yanuziello has no noticeable buzz/hum in the same setup. The only other guitar I have that has a commensurate buzz is an imported Epiphone Wilshire Worn 66 reissue with Mini Humbuckers.

The ONLY adjustment I've done is to lower the middle pickup nearly all the way down to the pickguard to get it out of my way when playing.

I noticed this about my last Short T, too. It had a humbucker in the neck position.

Any ideas about how to reduce the hum on a brand new guitar?
