View Full Version : X-bridge at 18 volts?

12-27-2010, 07:06 PM
Does anyone know, if I can run the xbridge, in my cobra at 18 volts? I was reading about less clipping and better tone at 18 vs 9 volts. Thanks for any info.

12-27-2010, 07:11 PM
can't answer that, but i would call baggs and ask. they have a little class a preamp in there, the control x, and you wouldn't want to fry it. it already seems capable of lots of level, so i think it would overload an input before it would distort.

12-27-2010, 08:38 PM
thanks tom, i'll try to contact them. hey Merry Christmas!

01-04-2011, 03:44 PM
just heard back, from MFG. --

"If your Anderson guitar has the CTRL-X preamp/mixer made by LR Baggs then, yes, you can wire it to operate on 18V in series if you wish. "
Bryan McManus

also got this back as to what to expect from 18 volts

"The system has pretty high headroom already. I'm not sure what change or improvement you should expect. The unit was designed with 9V in mind and, even though it is capable of operating on 18V, I don't have any info on the difference. "

Bryan McManus
Technical Support
L.R. Baggs Corporation
805-929-3545, ext. 111

I will post back if I try it at 18 volts. Just haven't had any time.