View Full Version : Hamer Newport wood question

06-09-2004, 08:58 AM
I'm considering a Hamer Newport and I noticed Willcutt has one in korina. I heard this is an excellent tone wood so I'm curious how the sound might differ from a standard maple/mahogany model.

06-09-2004, 10:04 AM
can't speak for hamer, but i have made cobra's from korina. it has a bit more top end than mahogany, and maybe a bit sweeter. it does not punch through quite as well, but is very smooth. this is comparing mahogany w/o maple top. i may have that guitar for sale. it has my typical +.05 big cobra neck m1,m1,h2 pus and a trem. it is spalted korina.

06-09-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by tom
can't speak for hamer, but i have made cobra's from korina. it has a bit more top end than mahogany, and maybe a bit sweeter. it does not punch through quite as well, but is very smooth. this is comparing mahogany w/o maple top. i may have that guitar for sale. it has my typical +.05 big cobra neck m1,m1,h2 pus and a trem. it is spalted korina.

Tom, what is spalted Korina? Wow, let me know if you ever put it for sale. And of course, I would make you shave down that neck!! :D ;)

06-09-2004, 02:00 PM
it's korina with a lot of that black and grey spider web like streaks in it. the wood itself is that pale yellow color. the neck has a deeper tension rod, so it can't be thinned down to taco size.

06-09-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by tom
it's korina with a lot of that black and grey spider web like streaks in it. the wood itself is that pale yellow color. the neck has a deeper tension rod, so it can't be thinned down to taco size.

How much of the neck could be shaved off? Could it at least get down to the cobra standard neck? .050+cobra standard neck=REALLY BIG!! How do you play that neck??

06-09-2004, 03:23 PM
i'm a pretty big guy. since i have abused my hands for lots of years doing what i do, i find bigger necks easier on my wrists and fingers. i could last about 3 seconds on an ibanez skinny neck. this neck probably should stay the way it is.

06-09-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by tom
i'm a pretty big guy. since i have abused my hands for lots of years doing what i do, i find bigger necks easier on my wrists and fingers. i could last about 3 seconds on an ibanez skinny neck. this neck probably should stay the way it is.

I see. It's too bad about the neck. Oh well, let me know anyway if you decide to sell it. My wife gave me carte blanche to buy whatever guitar I want with the only stipulation that it be an Anderson! :)

06-09-2004, 06:52 PM
i like your wife.

06-10-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by tom
i like your wife.

I like you wife too.:eek: ;) think that she can talk to my wife?!

06-10-2004, 12:05 PM
I was only half-kidding. She didn't really say I could buy only an Anderson. She has been busting my b$@l@s though about the two Suhrs I bought this year, calling me a turncoat, traitor, Benedict Arnold, amongst other things. She'll also say, didn't you say once upon a time, "TAG is the best, TA is the coolest, etc., etc.?" I'm tired of getting gas from her and when she said I could buy another guitar if I wanted to (great tax returns!!), I said I would get a TAG. Deciding which TAG to get is that hardest thing though-I love cobras, but I've been debating whether to get a drop top or just a classic the last two days!