View Full Version : about Sugar maple for neck..

06-08-2004, 11:46 AM

today.. i make my new neck..
wood is sugar maple..
texture is not good.. but really beatifull sound..

so.. i try not trus load, and no finger board.. because of when insert trustload and laminated fingerboard..
neck will lost it's sound..

so i try.. no trustload no fingerboard..
but i make neck thick 0 fret is 22~23.. yet not radius..
my hand is big.. so i make big thick..

and i wonder.. sugar maple(acer sacarium?) is normaly use in neck?

my neck wood is logn time season dry.. sunshine.. rain, snow..
have nice day..


06-08-2004, 05:44 PM
I'm impressed by anyone who can use shop tools to make something beautiful and functional. Nice work. Hope you had fun doing it!
