View Full Version : Watch out for Ebay seller lwyrdrmmr

06-07-2004, 02:25 PM
I am REALLY P'O'd!

This ebay seller, lwyrdrmmr , cancels an auction that I was winning with LESS THAN one hour to go! He did it because he started the listing low to avoid higher listing fees or reserve fees. When he did not get his price he just dropped it.

So in other words he has little integrity. He is in Ocala FL. What a bunch of BS!

I contacted EBAY and there is little I can do. So I thought I would at least let you folks know.

06-07-2004, 05:25 PM
Wow-that's awful. Thanks for the tip, but do you know that that was the reason why he cancelled the listing?

06-07-2004, 10:11 PM
There were six bids. Three mine. It stopped at $615, with no more bids for three days. (I had the high bid all along that was well above that.) I was protecting myself against a snipe. It was for an amp. It propbably was worth more, but no one was bidding.

My point is, he could have done this a day or even five or six hours before the end of the auction. 55minutes? I can see not one other reason. If you are going to be in the EBAY game do it right. Price it correctly up front to insure your minimum - don't dump it at the end. Things like that hurt the legitimacy of the auction process.

Prior to the sale he answered all his messages VERY quickly. I emailed him and got nothing back since the sale. He has had other items end legitmately since. I really can't think of another reason.

06-08-2004, 05:39 PM
I've heard of this tactic done before, where the seller tries to minimize his or her listing fees. It usually works best when the item is in hot demand and the market will take it to its rightful price. The guy might have also gotten a side offer from someone else and ended the auction to sell the item at a more "reasonable" price to this person. Either way, it doesn't make you feel any better. With most of my eBay dealings, I know there're going to be bidders in the last 30 seconds or so, so I hold my breath and hope they're out there (if I'm the seller).

Even having a large proxy bid on the board won't help you in this situation, because the seller doesn't know what your limit is.


06-08-2004, 06:55 PM
Thanks Nick.

It just burns my toast when people undermine the integrity of the auction process. And I would understand if he delisted it several hours before the auction closed. But 55 minutes? UGH!

06-09-2004, 03:15 AM
its happened to me

i was winning a t wah with 2 mins to go

the auction got cancelled suddenly for a "faulty listing"

teh guy tehn had teh cheek to email me and say it was worth more than teh winning bid?

so whats teh point of bidding?


06-09-2004, 10:10 AM
Exactly! Stuff like that just kills the integrity of the auction!

06-09-2004, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by oscar100
its happened to me

i was winning a t wah with 2 mins to go

the auction got cancelled suddenly for a "faulty listing"

teh guy tehn had teh cheek to email me and say it was worth more than teh winning bid?

so whats teh point of bidding?


BTW. If you still have that email, and if this happenned recently, you can foreward it to Ebay Customer Service. They will investigate it.