View Full Version : Anderson Modified Bigsby

10-19-2010, 09:07 PM
Hi there, just wanted to get an opinion on the Anderson Modified Bigsby. How does it's tuning stability hold up under use? Does it require the same level of TLC a normal Bigsby does?

10-20-2010, 10:10 AM
when looking into the bigsby, it was clear that the imported ones moved more consistently easier and the general machining was better than the american ones. so we started there. removing the pins seamed like a no brainer, and that really just makes stringing easier, which is a pretty big deal. setup and guitar design are the biggest factors for tuning stability. without straight string pull and proper tension on the saddles and nut it's hard to make them work.

kevin h
10-21-2010, 07:34 AM
i've got an atom special with a bigsby and the tuning stability is extremely good.

i haven't had a bigsby on a guitar in so many years that i honestly can't remember what the stability was like on a stock unit, but i'm completely happy with the one on my atom.

i do remember what a pain it was to change strings with the pins on a stock unit and the removal of them makes string changes a breeze.

i tried an atom with a bigbsy at namm and i just loved that guitar.
if i hadn't played one first i probably would not have ordered one with a bigsby, but now i'm not sure i'd want one without it.

10-21-2010, 01:19 PM
No issues with tuning stability on mine.

I love it!