View Full Version : Back to the Future in Theaters!!!!!!

09-27-2010, 09:15 PM
Just so everyone knows my favorite all time favorite movie is Back to the Future....I think anyone that loves the movies would love to see it on the Big Screen again or for the first time. The first movie came out before I was born and I am so excited that I actually get to see it on the big screen. I would love to see them all! They are showing at some AMC theaters. To see if there is a theater near you and to buy tickets now you can go to this site....http://www.amctheatres.com/Movies/Back_to_the_Future/?tab=1

The showtimes are October 23rd at 12:30pm and October 25th at 7:00pm

I am so excited I thought everyone should know!

09-28-2010, 12:15 AM
Sadly there are no AMC theatres anywhere near me. :(

09-28-2010, 09:35 AM
Sadly there are no AMC theatres anywhere near me. :(

That stinks....I would drive a few hours to see it in theaters hahhahh. I mean it came out before I was even born. I have got to see it again. I just wished I lived near L.A. like Tom so I could go to this Back to the Future 5 day thing they are having over there. One day they are letting people fly on the hoverboard system they used for part 2 and the last day they are going to same gym from the movie and setting up the dance identically and having the same band play 50's songs. Amazing stuff.

09-28-2010, 05:10 PM
That is one of the great movies of my childhood.
I smiled when I saw the car with this plate in Corte Madera last month.

09-28-2010, 05:24 PM
Great flick!

Buy a big TV and a blu-ray and you're set..

09-28-2010, 08:32 PM
The '80s did seem to have it's fair share of excellent original movies: BTTF, Ghostbusters, Wargames, and Karate Kid just to name a few. I remember walking out of the cinema in all of those movies thinking that creativity was definitely alive and kicking.

It's great to see a cinema chain reviving some of the old favourites. I always smile when one of the local cinemas here gets nostalgic and starts running 'sing along' nights, or classic nights. The die hard crowd of yesteryear all turn up to relive the good ol' days, but amazingly even the younger crowd turns up to see what all the fuss is about! Fun times indeed. :D

09-28-2010, 09:16 PM
That is one of the great movies of my childhood.
I smiled when I saw the car with this plate in Corte Madera last month.

A wonderful Delorean....If I ever had money I would buy one and turn it into the Back to the Future Time Machine....it costs $25,000 to have a guy do it for you.....You provide the Delorean of course.

09-28-2010, 09:18 PM
The '80s did seem to have it's fair share of excellent original movies: BTTF, Ghostbusters, Wargames, and Karate Kid just to name a few. I remember walking out of the cinema in all of those movies thinking that creativity was definitely alive and kicking.

Ya its like now a days its hard to find a good creative movie....Its all remakes or sequels. Where is all the creative minds??

09-28-2010, 09:19 PM
Great flick!

Buy a big TV and a blu-ray and you're set..

Well this is a once and a lifetime chance for me.....Plus I would have to buy a really nice surround sound system. However I do need to get a blue-ray player because they are releasing a 25th anniversary edition on Blue-ray in October as well.

Jason G
09-30-2010, 09:54 AM
This is great! Not knowing any of your ages, it's kinda hard to know for sure if the 80's were producing really good/great? movies or all the arts in general... music, visual art, etc. Since those were "my" days I tend to look on them quite fondly. But the arts are a product of, a reflection of the generation creating it... or in this case creating it for. So it's no surprise that it strikes a chord with me.

My kids have been watching alot of these shows recently, the Back to The Future Trilogy among them. They absolutely love these shows! Stuff like Ferris Beuler's Day Off, the original Star Wars Trilogy, The 1st Karate Kid, Indiana Jones, some of "the Rat Pack" stuff(some of those shows are rated R, and my kids 10 & 13), etc. It really warms my heart to be able to sit down to a good, clean show like most of these and enjoy them with my kids. I wish Hollywood would take heed from a bunch of us with young-ins and not feel it so necessary to follow a "smut-formula" in their movie making... x-number of expletives, x-number of sexual innuendos, x-amount of over-the-top violence, x-amount of raw sexual footage leaving little to the imagination, etc. Satellite/cable is worse I think, you finally get a good show and just about the time you all settle-in to enjoy, there's "Bob" with his gargantuan male-enhancement and all the "ladies" wanting to sit on his lap when he's the chubby elf Santa at the office party. Seriously, have you sat through those commercials with kids between 9 and 14?:eek:

Anyway, hurray for those responsible for getting these old films in theaters and coming to Blue-Ray. I think the arts can be influential on a growing kids mind, and I hope it doesn't come across as arrogant or whatnot to say I hope my kids, and the kids in their generation, turn out as good as I/we did.

If you care about this kinda stuff, do everything you can to support it so it thrives. We'll buy all the Back to the Future shows on Blue-Ray, maybe get my boy some posters, T-shirts, etc. Money talks!

Sorry for the rant... well not really to be honest,

Jason G in Amarillo, TX

09-30-2010, 05:41 PM
I couldn't agree more. It seems to me that because the last couple of decades had unbridled access to all kinds of CGI based special effects, CGI has become overused as a crutch to prop up (or replace) poor story telling. Actually, I believe that Hollywood has become (erroneously) reliant on them as a critical element to their formulaic movies. This is to the detriment of great story telling that feeds both the emotions and the imagination.

Take the Matrix for example, the original was a very clever story with sparse usage of simple effects. Yeah, there was a bit of CGI here and there, but it was super minimal when you consider the abominations that were billed as the sequels. (And even then, if they'd completely cut out the actual CGI of the tentacle robots and just implied them via clever use of reflections, dark scenery, and actor reaction. The movie IMO could have been improved further again.)

When you go back and look at the original Star Wars trilogy, the effects were minimal by modern standards. If you actually go through those stories and highlight where effects were used, it amounts to a very small percentage of the movie. They seem to actively avoid letting those scenes drag on, always trying to keep the attention and cameras focused on the characters. This even applies to the long chase scenes where the characters were still interacting as much as possible.

Now fast forward to the recent swathe of special action/adventure movies and it's all focused on the action and effects. As far as I'm concerned this is the exact opposite of what good story telling is about.

If you're after a laugh, take a look at this blow by blow tear-down of the recent Star Wars prequels (warning: the narrator occasionally uses some foul language, but it gets the point across):


The generic message in the above parody really also applies to many recent Hollywood blockbusters.

10-08-2010, 09:14 PM
Just so everyone knows my favorite all time favorite movie is Back to the Future....I think anyone that loves the movies would love to see it on the Big Screen again or for the first time. The first movie came out before I was born and I am so excited that I actually get to see it on the big screen. I would love to see them all! They are showing at some AMC theaters. To see if there is a theater near you and to buy tickets now you can go to this site....http://www.amctheatres.com/Movies/Back_to_the_Future/?tab=1

The showtimes are October 23rd at 12:30pm and October 25th at 7:00pm

I am so excited I thought everyone should know!

Thanks for this post. I LOVE this movie! One of my fav's. I never got to see it in the theaters so this will be super cool.

10-09-2010, 01:43 AM
All this talk has made me order the BTTF Triple Pack on DVD. :D

10-09-2010, 07:32 AM
All this talk has made me order the BTTF Triple Pack on DVD. :D

I have pre-ordered on amazon the 25th anniversary blue-ray set for $50. It's a great deal

10-24-2010, 02:37 PM
It was amazing! Anyone that didnt get to see it missed out!

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs469.ash2/74292_10150283996435144_531330143_15096385_8035249 _n.jpg