View Full Version : OFR locking nut through neck screws

Big Harry
09-13-2010, 08:27 AM
By default , OFR (locking nut through neck ) mounting screws has to be tightened to the end ( on maximum) or not ?
On my Ibanez Edge pro system , those screws have impact on tuning ( nut is going up and down as tighten it or untighten it ) .
What about OFR ?

09-13-2010, 10:10 AM
they are meant to only hold the nut on the neck. i suspect your ibanez screws are a little too long and when you tighten them they are pushing up on the clamp plates.

Big Harry
09-13-2010, 01:32 PM
thanks man !
(btw, any chance there is something you might not know about guitars ? :D )

09-13-2010, 01:47 PM
lots i don't know. that was just a guess on the ibanez. but guessing is fun. it's easy to understand how things are supposed to work. the fun is figuring out why they don't, then trying to make sure they do.

12-23-2010, 05:03 AM
they are meant to only hold the nut on the neck. i suspect your ibanez screws are a little too long and when you tighten them they are pushing up on the clamp plates.

Tom, on my 2009 Classic with OFR, I found that I had to tighten the locking nut in order to reduce the "clanging" noise from the locking nut area of the headstock when I'd push down on the tremelo bar and bend up on the B or the G string. Once I tightened the locking nut screws (back of headstock) this "clanging" noise went away. Do I have to be concerned about over-tightening?

12-23-2010, 04:36 PM
those screws lead a very hard life. under normal conditions they have equal tension on both sides of the nut. as soon as you depress the arm, tension drops on one side but stays on the other. the nut is jerked towards the tuners. then you release the arm and it is jerked back. so they need to be checked often if you're a dive bomber( and i know you are michael). they do not need to be over tightened, but tight.

12-27-2010, 02:02 AM
those screws lead a very hard life. under normal conditions they have equal tension on both sides of the nut. as soon as you depress the arm, tension drops on one side but stays on the other. the nut is jerked towards the tuners. then you release the arm and it is jerked back. so they need to be checked often if you're a dive bomber( and i know you are michael). they do not need to be over tightened, but tight.

haha:D for the record, just on the solo for "Beat It". Those first notes, when EVH bends that A to B flat/B on the G string, as he's bringing up the bar, well that really must've loosened up the nut screws:eek: :p
Thank you Supreme Commander! (c u in Jan.)