View Full Version : Need a new Volume pot -- which one?

09-07-2010, 05:38 PM
Hi all. The volume pot on my Hollow Cobra S needs to be replaced. It's scratchy. Last time I cleaned it, it was better for a while, but not it's scratchy again. I also wouldn't mind if the pot turned a little easier. I find there's a bit too much friction on the original pot for easy volume swell.

Can you point me to a replacement pot that will work correctly?


09-08-2010, 12:35 AM
Get one from Tom... period.

Spray some Deoxit inside and turn the shaft from 0 to 10 a few times until it feels smoother, then blot dry with a paper towel...or just have them do it for you at the shop before they mail it to you.

09-13-2010, 05:27 PM
I 2nd that.

I actually joined this forum regarding a volume pot question.

I messed something up when replacing the pot.

I ended up having to contact Tom, for I could not post as something was wrong with my password or something.

Anyway, I told him I was going to go to my local Anderson dealer to replace the pot I replaced, and he offered to send one.

Sorry, I can can't answer your question, but as the above poster mentioned, contact Tom and you will be taken care of.


Tone Loco
09-14-2010, 06:19 PM
I also wouldn't mind if the pot turned a little easier. I find there's a bit too much friction on the original pot for easy volume swell.

I was wondering if there was a way to make the pot turn a little harder! :D
Sometimes I brush it a little accidentally and I'd like it to take an intentional twist to move it. I can see the logic of easy volume swells too though. hmmm.