View Full Version : Crossroads Guitar Festival

06-02-2004, 08:56 PM
Hey guys (any girls here?) -

Just wondering if any of you are going to the crossroads guitar festival this weekend. I'm going Saturday and Sunday!

It's not every day that BB King, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Vaughan, etc, etc all apear in one place at the same time!!!


06-02-2004, 09:07 PM
I wish I could make it, but I'm about 7000000000 miles away!! Sounds like a blast-are the major players playing on different nights, or are they all sharing the same stage at the same time?

06-02-2004, 09:12 PM
There's a Jam Saturday night with Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, Jimmie Vaughan, and Robert Randolph.

Sunday night the finale is with Clapton, ZZ Top, and Jeff Beck.

Each has about a 1/2 hour slot independently, too.

check out www.crossroadsguitarfestival.org (http://www.crossroadsguitarfestival.org )

06-02-2004, 09:19 PM
There's a Jam Saturday night with Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, Jimmie Vaughan, and Robert Randolph.

Sunday night the finale is with Clapton, ZZ Top, and Jeff Beck.

Each has about a 1/2 hour slot independently, too.

check out www.crossroadsguitarfestival.org (http://www.crossroadsguitarfestival.org )

06-02-2004, 10:02 PM
I'll be there on Sunday, later in the afternoon. 11 hours just ain't in me anymore.

On Saturday night, I will be front and center at Club Dada enjoying Queen For A Day.

06-02-2004, 10:08 PM
There's going to be a Brian May watch party that night, isn't there?


06-03-2004, 05:17 AM
My wife and I fly in Saturday around noon. We're playing a benefit on Friday night. Going to be a great concert!!!!

06-03-2004, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by mwoeppel
There's going to be a Brian May watch party that night, isn't there?


He cancelled his Crossroads show due to scheduling and therefore will not be at Dada for the QFAD show. It will however be a Brian Harris watching party, in a strictly musical sense of course. Although the new hair cut is quite fetching.

06-03-2004, 10:32 AM
a new doo? do tell.

06-03-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by tom
a new doo? do tell.


06-03-2004, 03:34 PM
oh my! i think i've seen him with that look before.

06-19-2004, 11:47 PM
Hey, whats all this then?
I do not look like Billy Idol.

06-20-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by BrianH
Hey, whats all this then?
I do not look like Billy Idol.
I dont know about that.. Anybody seen Brian Harris and Billy Idol at a party together? I didnt think so, Odd, dont you think.;)


06-20-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by BrianH
Hey, whats all this then?
I do not look like Billy Idol.

It was either Billy Idol or Joan Jett. Fortunately for you, Joan hasn't updated her web site since she went platinum.

Could be worse. My wife had a teenage crush on Peter Frampton and wanted to marry him. She hasn't seen him lately. I told her she did marry Peter Frampton. Check for yourself.



06-20-2004, 05:02 PM
It's got a little Jimmy Wallace in there to boot.

06-20-2004, 05:09 PM


06-20-2004, 05:17 PM
A little........maybe not.