View Full Version : Hello from new member

08-09-2010, 02:29 PM
Just a quick hello to all of you out there that play the
most beautiful guitars in the world. I recently purchased a Hollow Cobra,Cajun Red. The best and most beautiful guitar I have ever owened. I play mostly Southern Gospel & blues, also 50`s rock n roll.

08-09-2010, 02:44 PM
Welcome to the forum. I'm somewhat new here myself, but have had a drop top since 2003. I joined when thinking about ordering a Crowdster +2. The order is in and should be filled in October. This is a great place to learn all you can about TAGs and to just have some fun talking to other addicts.

08-10-2010, 06:30 AM

It's customary to post a pic of your baby.

Got one? We all wanna see it!

08-10-2010, 11:07 AM
welcome welcome

08-14-2010, 05:52 PM

It's customary to post a pic of your baby.

Got one? We all wanna see it!

Pietro- Thanx for the welcome. I`m sorry but I`m not computer savvy enough yet to get a pic on. Soon as I learn how I`ll post it

08-15-2010, 12:02 AM
Soon as I learn how I`ll post it
1) Take photo
2) Upload it to Imgur, Photobucket, Flickr, etc.
3) Use the HTML Code
4) Paste it into Post
5) BAM!

08-16-2010, 09:00 AM
Step by Step Instructions:

Open a Photobucket.com account. It is free. Upload your photos to that site. Nice thing is you can upload multiple photos at a time.

Once the photos are there, you will have created an "album." You can create multiple albums if you want.

In the album will be your photos. You can rename them, put descriptions on them, etc.

Once you have completed this process open a second Internet window or tab and go the the Anderson, (or pretty much any other forum), post where you want to imbed your photo.

Switch back to the Photobucket window. Below each photo are several links. Right click on the link marked, "IMG code" and copy.

Then go to the forum post, click the spot where you want to imbed your photo, Right Click (PC), or Control-Click or double tap (Mac), then click "paste." (One note: Make sure your pics in Photobucket are a reasonable size, or when you post them to a web forum they will appear HUGE.)

You will get a code that starts and ends with [IMG].

Go to the bottom of the post and click Submit or Preview.

That is it!

08-19-2010, 11:07 AM
Thanx for the info on getting pictures on the forum. Soon as I get a nice one ,I will give it a try. I enjoy all the discissions on the forum. Thanx again!

10-14-2010, 01:05 PM
Hello everyone, I am French Bordeaux, here's my "pure vintage 12-18-09A", the picture is taken on site TA since it is the model for making me ...

10-14-2010, 03:08 PM
Nothing like a white guitar! Very nice!

10-17-2010, 03:01 PM
Welcome Bluzman.........looking forward to seeing your Cobra. It's not hard to post a photo. Give it a shot. If you have any problems, post here and somebody will help you.

You don't have a Dr. Z amp, do you??????